I'm happy Joe Liebermann lost the Connecticut primary.
Lieberman and his kind (see Hillary Clinton) spew their mendacious ilk and manipulate people's concern for their children in order scare them for the purpose of gaining power.
Growing up in the late 80's and the 90's, I vividly remember the demonizing campaigns and witch hunts conducted against Video Games. The older generations who could not understand new technology used Video games as a scape goat to vent all their resentiment and frustrations even though they committed far worse in their youth, need I even site the 60's?
Millions of tax dollars are still being wasted on B.S. studies trying to prove that Video Games cause violence. Ha! What a crock. I can't believe intelligent people could entertain such a phony and ridiculous notion!
Last time I check there was far more violence hundreds and even thousands of years before the glorious advent of Video games. Hundreds of thousands of people died in wars between ancient empires, the Mongols swept across the known world, four million people died in the Napoleonic Wars, nine million in World War One, fifty five million in World War Two, the twentieth century was the bloodiest and everyday life use to be much more violent; indiscriminate murder and rape abounded and ALL OF THIS HAPPENED BEFORE VIDEO GAMES WERE EVEN CONCEIVABLE!!!!
Doesn't Joe Liebermann know his history? Can he seriously correlate the Crusades with Mario or Jack The Ripper with Pikachu? The world, at least the West, is much less violent now than before Video Games and more people are alive now than ever.
How do these fear mongering opportunist explain that? How do they account for the fact that people have committed acts of violence when Video Games didn't even exist?
People are so hateful and full of resentiment that they can easily be persuaded to believe, blame and hate anything, there are to many historical examples to site.
The rational truth is that someone playing Video Games is as likely to commit an act of violence as someone who doesn't. Any pseudo-scientific half-attempt at implying the opposite is preposterous. Just because someone who has done something wrong has played a violent Video Game does not mean that they were compelled or influence by it.
What these politically correct slugs can't admit is that violence and nastiness are innate human instincts present from birth and that everyone, iin one form or another, express their will to power and animal joy. They can't face that reality so they blame Video games instead. What garbage!
This issue concerns me because there are a lot of people out there who want to censor you and what you have access to; a moral elite who reserve the right to force upon us their standard of acceptability and if we don't stand up to them, they're gonna walk all over us.
This situation is a reenactment of the 1960's attack of Comic Books. In the 60's, the American Congress wasted a lot of money on hearings aimed at determining the "decency" of Comic Books and plans were made to BAN them and by consequence, Comic Books censored themselves and produced a forgettable decade of cappy 70's comics.
The same thing happened in the 90's when Congress wasted a lot of money trying to ban Video Games. What scares me is that ego-maniacal politicians and self-appointed "community defenders" use Video Games to portray themselves as public protectors, inflating their egos, gaining political power and lying to ordinary people about the evils of Video Games. So far, the self-censoring in Video games in the form of the ESRB has not produced a generation of effete, mediocre games... yet.
If we allow these fiends to run wild, what will they censor next? They already want to censor television, why not books and the clothes we wear, hey, why not measure people's skulls to determine if they are likely to commit a crime?
Hey Liebermann, did Bing Crosby play Video Games before beating the crap out of his kids? Well, did he... ANSWER ME DAMN IT!!!!
All this smells a lot like the S-3 Plan from MGS 2. In the end, those who make themselves appear as good intentioned, righteous up-holders of the Correct Way simply want to control our minds and lobotomize us into thinking happy thoughts and being nice and especially never ever ever question them and the things they do, after all, they know what's best and they're doing it for our own good of course!
In conclusion, all our base are belong to them.
Max Hydrogen
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