Resident Evil 4- Yes, but if you have a Gamecube or a Wii, it's much better on those hardwares.DMC3 Special Edition- Only if you can handle what a stupid prat Dante is on that game.
God of War- Only if you like generic action brawlers dressed up with purty graphics and SEX!
GTA VC- No, it's an outdated game. Stick to newer ones.boner
GTA 3- No, it's an outdated game. Stick to newer ones and I don't give a flying **** if Gamespot recently put it on their greatest games of all time. It still does not hide the fact that it's old and it's newer siblings are much better games. Revolutionary, yes, but sucking up to it still makes it an old outdated game. Kiss my ass nostalgia.
Half Life- I'm pretty sure the crappiest of crap computers can handle the first game fine.
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