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Maximiliator Blog

My Time Here In D.F.

Hey guys, i know you didnt hear from me in a rather long time. I just wanted to tell that i m still on gamespot now and then, to check out the new games. I m sure some of u might know how it feels to be foreigner in a country. i m living in Mexico City for 1 year now, and it s really hard sometimes. Those Mexicans always take me for an american cause of my blonde hair and call me "pinche gringo", without even careing about that i might be from another country like GERMANY, where i m from !!!

oh man. its not easy sometimes. Lucky me, being on a german school, and having some actual german friends, too.

thnx for reading my problems:)


HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVERYSBODY ... And mark my words !!!

hey people,

i just wanted to drop in and say HAPPY CHRISTMAS to everybody !

I hope u enjoy the time , the way i do it. And enjoy ur life, u geek in here, always remember, in this "game" u got only one life. Don´t waste it completely in front of the PC. That´s what i did the first 14 years of my life, and it was wrong. There are better things out there than gaming and graphic-engineering ! For example the love. I fell in love, thats one of the main reasons i more or less stopped gaming. :P I had to invest all my money in my girlfriend. I didn´t had to, but i wanted to ! Because i love her with everything i have. So please, listen a bit to me. Mind ur friends, ur relatives, ur family and so on.

It´s way better than gaming. Maybe it´s just this way in Mexico, but maybe not...


and Viva Mexico !!!


mother hate Blog


i got a serious problem with my mother -.- i HATE her !!! dammit. She wants to take away my PC for 1 month for no reason !?!? Thats so crazy. Thats dictatorship !!! She has like NO reason ! So don`t u wonder, why i`m NOT online for the next month. I can`t do anything ! My stepfather plays the great "punisher". He`ll come in about2 hours to take away my PC, and even carry it into his company, to store it "safely" and "prevent further arguments" . But he doesn`t even know why he takes away my PC !?!? He says: "I`m trusting in your mothers decision" . But she got no reason. If i ask her about it, she says:" i dont want to talk about it now " I`m really deeply frustrated...

Does anybody know what to do about smth. like this !?!?!?


Viva Mexico

OMG, i live in Mexico-city now !!!

Thats somehow crazy , i still cant believe it, but me and my familiy moved to MExico-city. I lived in Norway the last 2 years, so its quite a different culture now.

I celebrated the mexcian day of liberty togheter with my friends from school. That was soooo fun... and i learned how to drink a LOT of tequilla. We ate Tacos and quesadillas. I also learned the Mariachi-cry : Aiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

It was kind of crazy



The Gamespot Love Blog


You see, is the greatest page i ever saw. I m so happy with gamespot, that i visit it 3 h a day minimum. I got the "coming soon" list of ALL interesting games in one look !

And i LOVE the emblem system. Its fun to collect them !

I just wanted to tell gamespot how great it is !



Overclocking ?


I´m thinking about overclocking my PC, so i joined the overclocking Union. So far. The problem is, that a friend of mine overclocked his CPU on the hardware, and as he booted his PC, the motherbord got all burned through... So i´m better careful.

THEY say, that they overclock "safe". I hope so... cuz i´m gonna try 8)

So, wish me luck...


Wanna have a Medal !!!


U know, i ask myself HOW the hell to get those medals !? I got one yet... the "I voted" Medal. But i'm akyive in gamespot for one year now ! How do other useres manage to get them then ? Ok, i wanst online with the E3 for example, but how to get the "Good taste" or "Bad Taste" Medals ???


... thats certainly gives me smth. to think about...


Do the producers care !?


It´s difficult to explain, but i realized something, which is really painfull... something, which is stabbing my gamers heart...


Yesterday, a old friend came to visit, and he said : " Hey, what are you playing there ?"

I said : "Command and Conquer 3"

He said : "huh ? What !? You bother to play THAT junk !?!?"

I talked to him a while about why he tought C&C3 was junk. He told me, that all the new games are junk, and that i shall never buy or play them. At first, i thought : Oh well, he got no idea what he´s saying... He´s just jealous and a n00b, too....." BUT then, we downloaded a Super Nintendo Emulator, Chrono Trigger and Tales of Phantasia. He said : "THESE are games WORTH playing !". So at 21:00, i grabbed my coffee, and wandered of in this new world of "Tales of Phantasia". Very soon (00:30), i realized, that i didn´t want to stop palying anymore ! Soon it was 4:00. The game was banning me to my seat ! The story was fascinating ! The combat-mode was something so new (for me...) that i couldn´t stop. And for the first boss i needed about 10 trys ! The fact, that these old games have so much humor, and are done so godlike, was shocking for me. I compared to the new games, and found out, that there was much more effort needed to make Tales of Phantasia, and think of a story like that.

The CONCLUSION is hard to accept for me... but it´s true... and everybody can ask himself :


In the old days, where the first games and consoles came out... these were the GOOD times.

In the last years,a lot of games were rushed, and came out uncompleted. Many could have been much better !!!

... and i´m dissapointed


This is me !

uhm... hello *blog-start*

i´m max.

I like a lot of games ! For example Counter.strike, Diablo 2 or neverwinternights.

I like role-playing, if its good, and ego-shooters, but only the good ones !

hmmm... I love Warhammer , the tabletop game, and mountainbiking.

I live in Oslo, Norway, and i have a Games Workshop right at my door.

I would love to have some comments of you guys out there, from all over the world. Which games do u like ? What playing type do you have ?

please post.

The depressing thing is, that i´m in gamespot for 1 year now, and got not 1 single comment on me ! And a question... I got a "Turkey day" award. What the hell is this !?
