Lamesauce. :(
Maximus923's forum posts
For some reason I'm having a hard time finding out whether or not the basic Wi-Fi model comes with a memory card and if so what size it is. Halp?
So I just bought an slim and I already own a PS3. I want to find the 'exclusive' gems in the marketplace but I really can't think of or find any that haven't jumped over to the PSN Store as well as the marketplace. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance. :)
EDIT: 1.) Price isn't really an issue 2.) I enjoy playing almost any and every game, so any suggestion is welcome. I am not very good at puzzle games though, but that's it.
That's like comparing League of Legends to World of Warcraft based simply on the fact they are MMO's. (J)RPG =/=Action Adventure
I would also like to point out how funny it is seeing everyone putting effort to tell how much they DIDN'T like the game. I think TWEWY is too mainstream or something bro.
I thought the gameplay and overall mood and environment was incredibly refreshing when playing TWEWY. Great use of the touch screen and enough depth to keep the average and hardcore gamers alike busy for months. I tried to ignore the fanbase for it as I was playing it because it usually kills it for me (RIP Final Fantasy 7, Kingdom Hearts, etc.)
I would like a sequel very much, although I don't think it would work very well. It's fairly simple why: controlling Neku on the touch screen and your partner on the 3D screen is completely counter-productive on the 3DS and a joke when you think about it. They would have to start from the ground up when making a 3DS iteration, thus losing nearly the entire game, control scheme, and overall functionality that worked on the DS.
Oh man, thanks to everyone for the info! I was stressing out a little and have been a tad bit afraid to play my 3DS since I was beginning to believe my eyesight could be permanently compromised.
Thanks again guys! :D
This phenomina will end soon. i experienced it too. I discovered that real life is incredibly... flat. This is nothing to worry you.
How long after you first got the 3ds did the 3D effects fade away from everything?
My eyes have been playing tricks on me lately. Lately when my eyes are focused on something (primarily a 2D image or screen such as TV, pc monitor, everyday text, etc.) things are 'appearing' 3D when they're not. I don't know if it's my brain looking for 3D images when there are none after playing the 3DS or if my eyes are focusing differently than prior to owning the 3DS and playing regularly with a minimum of half 3D turned on.
This post may sound silly but it is a legitimate problem I have been having since I got a 3DS about a week ago.
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