MaximusZX / Member

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X-Men Legends II

If there's one thing that definitely needs to be improved for the sequel to X-Men Legends, it's the X-Men's pathfinding skills. Don't get me wrong, I like X-Men Legends and while it doesn't have as much polish as I would like, it's still a solid RPG and one of the best games around featuring Marvel's Mighty Mutants. But sometimes I get frustrated when Jean Grey accidentally steps off the edge of a platform in the Astral Plane and falls to her death. Sometimes I get frustrated when Wolverine tries to push through a barrier of flames generated by Pyro and kills himself. It's annoying when Nightcrawler teleports himself through a wall and gets beaten to death by overwhelming odds before I can assume control of him and force him to jump back.

And granted, these problems don't happen constantly in the game. But they happen enough to annoy you when the occur, and to take safety steps in order to prevent them from happening. There are other things about X-Men Legends that could use some polish: the cel-shaded characters, the simplistic mission objectives--but one thing I really want to see done right is getting the X-Men some decent pathfinding skills. At the very least, fixing that up a bit more would go a long way towards making X-Men Legends II a whole lot better.