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Bloody Roar II - Fighting Retrospective

Last week Peter Brown and I recorded a quick video for Bloody Roar II, a 3D fighter for the PS1 featuring people transforming into animals (I do miss the 90's). With so many classic fighting gems out there--both good and bad--we decided to start a video series highlighting each one and how it plays; nothing too technical, but hopefully entertaining. We also noticed a lack of quality footage for these games on the internet in general, so there's that.


Originally, the video was twice as long with tons of rambling dialog about Peter living on an island and me playing Bloody Roar as a kid. Turns out, that sort of talk is totally boring so we trimmed it down pretty heavily into what you see here. For future videos we're going to try and keep it even shorter, with the discussion focused strictly on the game.

We have a lot of ideas for future videos, but we also want to make sure that you can get gameplay clips of a decent quality without our ramblings. Therefore, each time one of these videos goes up we'll be sure to post some standalone clips of just gameplay as well. Let us know if there's a fighting game out there that hasn't received the attention it deserves, and we'll be sure to look into it. Thanks for reading, and enjoy the video.
