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McNeelyJ39 Blog

Game Codes should start using QR code technology

I'm not saying that they should stop doing codes, or that i feel violated by a game company charging a used game purchaser $10 to play a game online. I don't care about that but as a buyer of a new game make plugging in those codes easier. Why not use QR code technology so i can use my kinect (for Xbox) or PS camera (PS3) to plug in the code for me? I doubt anyone can defend plugging in codes on either console without a keyboard, it is cumbersome, annoying and doesn't let me get in a game without at least a bit of hassle.

Devs please start using QR technology to solve these problems.

Thank you.

Killzone 3 Beta Program Thoughts

Anyone else notice the Killzone 3 Beta program announcement? To me it is a convoluted and ridiculous process. So they want people to join Playstation Plus, but only 10,000 Plus users will get in the Beta, and they need to download an exclusive theme (is the theme free?) to do so? That just sounds like a bunch of people feeling jipped. Just make it open to all Playstation Plus members and then to 10,000 additional people who download a dumb theme so people can try to get the theme and then give up and get PS Plus.

Overall this process screams of a botched and really badly planned idea, To Playstation I would just like to say "great way to screw up a positive announcement guys!" My guess is the conversation happened like this:

Marketer #1:I have an idea...lets have a really cool prize that is almost standard for most big launch games!

Marketers #2: Cool idea, but wait lets make it really confusing and add all these extra steps consumers need to make! They need to prove their allegiance, screw promoting a stellar title!

Marketer #1: Ok makes sense, since you mention it how about we throw Playstation Plus as a requirement?!?

Marketer #2: That is a great idea, but lets add more confusion by making those members who pay us extra money also not automatically receive access...instead how about we make them download a plus theme, we can give it to the first 10,000 downloads!

Marketer #1: How about we confuse it even more by breaking it up into SCEE and SCEA groups...whatever the hell that means!

Marketer #2: OK! I love it, but do you think our download service can handle the traffic this might generate?

Marketer #1: Who cares? We are Sony the customer experience doesn't matter! They buy our overpriced products anyway. Look at how well the PS3 sold at launch!

Marketer #2: Good Point! Lets push this through to upper management!

Scott Pilgrim vs. World XBLA or PSN game

Just in case the developer is wondering why their sales tanked on Scott Pilgrim vs. the World as soon as they add online co-op to the title I will buy it on XBLA or PSN, whichever gets that feature first...then I will hand over my $10, until then I'm NOT buying.

Now please everyone join me in telling the developer/publisher to add that feature.

Naruto Games - where is sequal to UbiSofts Broken Bond?

Anyone else disturbed that Naruto Shippuden is only available within the Ninja Storm Franchise? I myself have played both the Broken Bond Developed by UbiSoft and the Ninja Storm Game and have to say the UbiSoft title was FAR superior in regards to everything. Story was more accurate, boss battles were far more fun, gameplay was far less tedious, rewards were cooler and ONLINE play was available out of the box.

I am a bit dissapointed that the Ninja Storm is the franchise that won out and really wish they would do a sequal more in line with the Broken Bond. Doesn't anyone else agree? I find myself reading articles wondering why no one else has complained about this on sites like Gamespot or IGN.

E3 and Microsoft

Can't wait to go to E3, although I'm not excited about microsofts supposed pricing on Natal. At $150 I'm not picking it up, but who knows maybe this is just their way of playing a joke on everyone for a lower priced announcement at the show. Theirs a first time for everything, maybe MS won't be overly jacking up the costs on a peripheral given the competition in market.