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Survey...I was bored

stolen from DiNozzoLover....thanks

Six ships you like:

1. Tony/Ziva

2. McGee/Abby

3. Izzie/George

4. Kyle/Amanda

5. Booth/Bones

6. Declan/Lori

Three ships you used to like, but don't anymore:

7. Tony/Kate

8. Gibbs/Jen

9. Hodgens/Angelia

Three ships in your various fandoms that you can't stand:

10. Tony/Kate

11. Gibbs/Jen

12. Meredith/Sloan

Two ships you are curious about but haven't actually started shipping:

13. Tony/Jen

14. McGee/Ruby

Why do you dislike #11 so much?

b/c they already had a thing in Paris and it should be over!

Who is someone you know that ships #13?

i cant think of anyone really...but theres been rumors lol

What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3?

they stay together and forget about kalli

Which is your favorite episode for #1?

Undercovers for sure!!! i mean whats better than that?!!

How long have you been following couple #6?

since the first episode

What's the story with #8? What made you stop liking them/caring?

when they kept flashing back to Paris, it got old....

Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4?

Number2 - they would be so cute together

You have the power to make one ship non existent. Choose from #10 or #12.

10! Kate was never right for Tony

What interests you about #14?

they never went into more detail if McGee and Ruby hooked up or dated or anything and they seemed like the liked each other in the episode

When did you stop liking #7?

i never liked 7 to begin with, i saw them more as brother and sister then lovers

Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show?

not kill it but make some scenes awkward to was better when Hodgens was crushing on Angela.....but almost getting married? COME ON!!!

What's a song that reminds you of #5?

Hot Blooded by Foreigner

Which of these ships do you love the most?

Tony and Ziva.DUH!!! :roll:

Which do you dislike the most?

Tony and Kate.they are more likesiblings not lovers!! JEEZE!!!

If you could have any of these two pairings double date, who would it be?

Tony/Ziva and Kyle/Amanda. Kyle and Ziva remind me of each other when they dont understand things people say....

Have #2 kissed yet?

not a "real" kiss but Abbys kissed the back of McGees head if that counts for anything.... or thats all we know of but no one really knows if they have ever hooked up

Did #4 have a happy ending?

well, no kiss yet but things are leading up to it. we can only hope and wait for now....

First to Fight is Awesome!!!

I just rented this really cool XBOX game called 'First to Fight' and its about Marines in Iraq. You are the team leader and you have to lead your team of 4 Marines through the war zone and kill the enemies or take them hostage. You can also call on Snipers, and Tom Cat helicopters to assist you in your mission.

 Heres the synopsis:

Take part in an authentic, team-based combat simulation created under the direction of active-duty United States Marines fresh from the front lines of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan!

The conflict is set in a modern Middle East urban battleground where deadly forces can strike at any moment from any direction.  Your job is to guide a four-man Marine fireteam through the realistic perils of modern urban combat.  Your team is highly trained and equipped with the perfect gear for the task at hand.  Its up to you to lead then in outsmarting and overcoming a cunning enemy force that is determined to block you success.


Its a really cool should go out and rent it. I think I might buy it...when I get some money that is. :P

My Fav Videos....Watch!!!


my favorite NCIS team video!

NCIS Real Action Movie


and my favorite one of Michael....maybe my fav vid of all time... :P

We Need Gibbs!!!

So Im into role playing on myspace and a site we created just for NCIS role players and we need some more of the team...but mostly we need GIBBS!! :P

Im McGee, and we already have a Tony, Kate and Abby. We also have made up Agents who are part of the Kates sister Cassidy. So if you want to join let me or MrsTonyDiNozzo know who you want to be. You dont need myspace because you can just use the NCIS role play site we made if you want.  Its really fun and should give it a try. ;)

Tony and Zivas wedding (its official)

its so beautiful! i seriously think they are secretly married...but i think thats just me lol

what do u think? they would make a great couple...and i do like Tate 2 but i kinda see them more as a brother and sister type of relationship but they r still cute together!