When I was younger, I enjoyed country music. As I got older I adjusted more to rock. Now, that I have grown inmy wisdom, I realise the exploitations that country music is trying to make.
Let's start this show with Taylor Swift, wink, wink.
I am willing to accept that she is a talented musician and gifted singer, however what she sings is not the country smusic. It is pop with an acoustic guitar. It is an insult to the genre of music that insane 50 year old farmers worked so hard to waste time with. Have you noticed that every one of her songs has the same message in the context? In case you haven't, allow me to enlighten you...
whine, whine whine, be with me, stupid fantasy, whine.
It's rediculus. Now don't get me wrong, I still believe that she is a gifted musician and deserves the awards she gets, ahem, the award she got, but that doen't change the fact that she can't drive no tractor.
Who's worse? Sugarland.
They play indie, but since one of them speaks with a southern accent,it's country. They play okay, but they will continually make references to the singers "boss man", remember the fifty year old farmers I mentioned earlier, they didn't even know what a "boss man" is. People with bosses live in the city, people who live in the city DO NOT SING COUNTRY, IT'S DESPICABLE. Sugarland, stop taking band names from board games and form a correctly described band for Pete's sake!
And of course their are all the male "country" stars around today. These are the guys who do the most obvious, least entertaining, and most repetitive electric guitar solos.
Once again, I don't doubt the integrity of the skill of these musicians, I just hate them for exploiting country music. I don't care which song that has come out in the last ten years and claimed to be "country" it isn't. They all have electric guitar solos. That or they talk about their boss, and nogood farmer has one. Either, or both of those telltale signs can be used to identify a false country song.
Once again, it's.... Contstructive criticism time!
Let's look at someone who's been doing it right. Rock for instance, they admit that their genre has changed over the years, thus the common references to 60's rock, 80's rock, and alternative rock. Perhaps the new "Urban Country" genre will be born sometime soon.Although, I doubt I'll get credit for it if it does.
P.S Jimmy Buffet and Zac Brown are an ENTIRELY different story.