Does anyone even remember what the term role playing game means? I personnally don't consider games such as Mass Effect and Assassin's Creed RPG's. It's gotten extremely irritating. In an RPG youshould beable to assume the role of any character you please. Let's look at Assassin's Creed, It's an RPG,
sure you don't level up based on experiance,
but it's an RPG
At least you can assume the role of anyone you like
as long as that person is an assassin in a white cloak
Well at the very very least, you can kill your targets any way you like? right?
yes, very much so. Well, as long as you stab them and cover a feather in theirblood.
It's ridiculous. I don't know what stubborn doo-doo face (ruthless censoring)insisted that Assassin's Creed be named an RPG, but they deserve several swift slaps accross the side of their face. But of course, you can't post arant based on only one game, so let's move on to mass Effect, now Mass effect is a bit better about the fine points, but is still quite perposterous.
Assume any role right?
Anyone that becomes the first human spectre and saves the galaxy momentarily.
level up system is good right?
it's better, but not close to perfect. the classes are skills the skills are all combat based except for three or four, and the thing no one seems to miss, the attributes.
complete any mission any way right?
if only there were enough missions for that to matter.
Now here's where the negativity ends and the constructivity begins.
Game developers, please stop thinking that you can successfully merge linear games with role playing games, you can't. I understand that Assassin's Creed was designed as an extremely linear game, which it was, way to go. However Mass Effect, everyone agrees, that the miscellaneous quests should have been less stupid andrepetetive and there should have been more miscellaneous quest lines. And to any new Game Producers, I've always kind of liked the idea of an old western RPG.