Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Wii
Well It seems alot of people Are Really excited for Cod MWW(Bambii 12633) and i dont blame them i to am really excited for Cod MWW but i actually find it kind of stupid that they release the original modern warfare for the wii the exact same day they release The Sequel thats actually bad timing(kinda)well the people who own only the wii Will be kinda Pissed that they arent getting Modern Warfare 2 so they'll Be all "WTF Cod4 is on wii now! i ll just get that since i cant Get Modern Warfare 2. Good Strategy Treyarch.
Call of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2 Mobilized
Well i do not know much about this game but what i do know is that it will probably be as good or hopefully better than World at war on the DS. With a horde Mode and 6, Count'em 6 players online and Local multiplayer. Maybe who knows this horde could be Gears Portable, Just the Horde Mode not the whole game.
Call of Duty 6: Modern Warfare 2
Well we all know this game is gonna be amazing with customizible and unlockable killstreaks lock on rocket launchers all new fancy tech for the guns the ability to pilot the AC130 and the fact that you can stick someone with a gernade as seen in this video. Ok i dont to much about this game because i wasnt really Psyched until about a week ago when i got the ps3.
Well Looks like this could be the year of COD.