Have a happy Fathers' Day. Take time out of your day to spend time with the forgotton heroes.
MeanMachine-88 Blog
First Post
by MeanMachine-88 on Comments
Hello, this is my first post on my new endeavor. I hope to post often but seeing how I am in college and planing to go to graduate school I don't know how often I will post. This will be only my second blog, the first being a political blog. Hopefully this blog will be more successful and prove enjoyable to both you and I. A Quick blurb about me: I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. I have been a member of gamespot since the early 2000s but due to going to college have little used my account so starting a new one seem better. My screen name came from a nickname I got from high school that sort of morph do to my sarcastic humor and stuck with me to college. I go to the University of Illinois (the public Ivy) and study civil engineering with a focus on construction management and materials. My first vote was cast was Mayor Daley, the second for President Obama. Favorite shows include: Lost, Doctor Who, Daily Show, Colbert Show, Office, 30 Rock, and House. Favorite subjects include: Math, Politics, and Materials. Countries I want to visit include: England, Italy, Holy See, Japan, China, Chile, and Cuba. Favorite Game franchises: Legend of Zelda, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid.
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