The Work Time Blues: Vol I
It's called the work time blues because I'm at work and working sucks. See? It's witty!
Who ever thought that I would start a blog!? Not you, that's for sure. But that's mainly because you didn't even know who I am. Shame on you! How could you play with my feelings? Don't you know how important I am! Or how important I will be!?
Not very, in either case.
Anyways, let's begin! Begins what, I hear you ask. Well, I'm not really sure, to be honest. But when I get around to beginning it, I'm sure it is going to be impressive. I cool like that.
Anyways, in news this week~!;
"At the DVD release party for Sex and the City: The Movie on Thursday night, Sarah Jessica Parker all confirmed that a sequel will happen. Of course, no official announcement has been made, but this seems like as good an indication as any that the series will continue.
"Let's wring everything we can out of this thing," Parker said.
Yay! I don't know about you guys, but I loved avoiding the first one like the plague and making jokes about how horrible it probably was. Imagine the hours of joy I will get out of the second one! The sky is the limit! I just hope that they leave it for a couple of years before they dive back into it. At least get those wrinkles going. Remember that movie "As Good As It Gets"? If that movie taught me anything it is that mature aged nudity is rad. I can't wait for Sex and the City 2 (Electric Boogaloo!?)
"(Bill) Clinton said voters would think, "I like that little Down syndrome kid. One of them lives down the street. They're wonderful children. They're wonderful people. And I like the idea that this guy does those long-distance races. Stayed in the race for 500 miles (804km) with a broken arm. My kind of guy."
Alright, fine. I took it out of context. But you're a liar if you don't think that that is hilarious. I know I do
"A semi-trailer has overturned on a wet road in NSW's south, resulting in the deaths of 400 sheep while the driver and his young son were also injured.
The two-tier stock transport truck was travelling on the Mulwala-Barooga Road, after leaving the Corowa stockyards, when it left the road about 6.40pm (AEST) yesterday.
"The vehicle veered onto the gravel verge in heavy rain and the driver lost control," the NSW Police Force said today. "The rig came to rest across the east-bound lanes of the roadway."
Police say about 300 sheep were killed in the crash, and another 100 animals had to be put down because of their injuries. Just 50 sheep survived.
I can't be THAT bad a person. That's funny, no matter how bad you are. Imagine the headline! "Dinner causes road block" I mean, the sheep were going to get killed anyways, we might as well laugh at it. At least this way, instead of the sheep sitting around all day saying, "I don't want to die! Oh cruel world!" they were all like, "Dude, this truck ride is actuall pretty fun--OH **** Splat. Haha.
Now onto;
Yesterday there was this freak storm thing, and it knocked down all of these trees and stuff, and then these **** trees landed on power lines, so I didn't have power all night. It was probably the worst expirience of my whole life. Imagine! I went, like, six hours having to live by candle light. Who am I? Joan of Arc? Socrates? Amy Winehouse? It was disgusting. And what was I supposed to do? It was horrible. I wanted to cry, but then I remembered that I was a MAN and MEN never cry. Especially me. Because I am the manliest of men. Serious.
And with that, it is five o'clock, and my day of pretending to work while not actually working has come to a close. Yay me!