For the people not in New York. Regrents are these big tests that determined if you gradurate or not. Thety take 3 hours and they literally check you like at a airport. I finally finish my Earth Science one. So if I pass I have a WHOLE free summer
So the good news is I start making thoes videos. They will be mostly Pokemon until I get my Ouledan game and some might be two parts cause of the memership limit. But if your lucjly I do a video blog.
One last thing. For thoes who want to battle me I switch my Luxray for a Lopunny. It was getting weak at the special attack side so yeah. I taught it some good attack that manage to deal with my team weekness. Plus I don't have a 3 weekness to ground on my team (WOAH SHouldn't have said that) So yeah I try and get a new trainer card if the union let me. I hope they do.
If anyone want a battle send me your frined code and a time you want to battle and I kick your butt from here to sinnoh.
Anyway this MegaMAN1121