What up Gamespot, I just came back from Canada. Had so much fun too.
So first thing first. The ride LONG. I spend most of the time playing on my DS. Manage to catch a Diaga. Although I use a master ball because I forgot to buy ultra balls (sorry I didn't knew he was up) so back to Canada
I came late at 1: oo am on Friday so I just ate and sleep. Nothing interesting
Saturday I play some baseball and went to the pool. My cousin threw me to the pool with my cloths on. I was mad at him.
Sunday I went to some church thing for my cousin and his father then we went to a restrerant it celebrates. The best part was when me and my sister and my cousin and my sister boyfriend play Taboo. We laugh so hard. It a very fun game (Taboo is not a video game just to let you know)
And here I am on Monday. Thank god I had no school. Just a warming if you ever go to KFC. NEVER buy Fiery Buffalo. Trust me
Finally as gaming going. I almost beat Pokemon Diamond. Yes I finally made it to the Elite Four. It just it SO hard. I can handle the first 3 okay. But that psychic guy kills my whole team. I don't get how psychic can kill almost my whole team.
I made to the champion one or two times. I manage to go as far as her Lucario. Just like my fight with Mayalene (3rd gym leader) it just to FAST. I have no idea how I'm goanna deal with her Garchomp (All I have against it is Flozelt) I taught it ice beam.
So yeah that pretty much all. Sorry it a lot of texts. I had a lot to say. If any of you guys know a good place to train leave a comment.
Finally this is MegaMAN1121 Saying