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No school for me cause I'm on Spring break BABY

Dear Gamestopper

Today start my week of no school. Cause, I'm on SPRING BREAK. HA. Anyway I'm not doing anything special expect some homework and school projects. High school HARD. My sister gonna take me to buy games but she dosen't know when she take me. She a busy lady

Beside gamming goes I just beat Mario vs Donkey Kong 2 and I'm gonna trade it too (it kinda boring) also I was gonna get back Elite Beat Agents (at a gamestore) but my sister won't let me. She saud it be a waste of money even though I kida really want it back.

One good thing she said is that I can reserve Pokemon Diamond. All that waiting gonna finally pay off.

That all for today, hope ya leave a comment I feel so alone. Any bye got some homework to do.