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MegaMan-Fan Blog

The End Of School!

School is finally over! And I think I ended the semester pretty good, I think I made all A's but I don't know that for sure yet. Anyways now I have lots of free time to hangout here on Gamespot and play video games. I just downloaded two virtual console games, Kirby's Dreamland 3 and Paper Mario. Both are pretty fun and should keep me busy for a little while. If not I'll just buy another Wii points card. MegaMan-Fan

First Week Of School and Last Day of Work

So my first week of school went pretty good, although I'm still not used to getting up, going to class, and studying yet. All my classes seem a little harder than last semester, but I think I can still make some good grades. My last day of work is Tuesday, they already closed the store, I just have to box some things up to ship it back out. It sucks that the store I work at has to close, it was a pretty good job with many great people working there. I just hope those people can find a new job. It seems like I'll need to start looking for another job, but I may take a break from working and focus on school. I know if I do that I won't have much money for gaming or anything else, but I still have many games I need to beat, school, and lots of other things to keep me busy. I think I'll buy the last season of Avatar with my final paycheck and save the rest of my money in case I need it. Well that's all for now, MegaMan-Fan

School Starting Back Tomorrow

Well, tomorrow marks the end of Christmas break, and the start of school :( . I'm going to take Intro To C programming, Business Statistics II, Financing, and Business Legal Studies. I think I will be pretty busy this semester, so I will not have as much time to play video games or come on Gamespot.

I'm also losing my job in a few weeks. The store I work at has to close since the company is losing money. So I'll be too broke to really do anything or buy anything new. I guess I'll be focusing on all the games I haven't beaten yet since I can't really go buy anything new.

Some good news is that I went out and bought Guitar Hero World Tour. That game is fun and addicting.

Well thats all for now,


First Blog!

Hello all, this is my first blog entry. I guess I should start telling everyone about my gaming interests. I currently own a Wii with about 15 games, a DS with about 8 games, and a PS2 I got recently with very few games. In the past I had all of Nintendo's consoles including the NES, SNES, N64, and Gamecube. My favorite video game series include: Mario, Zelda, Mega Man, Mega Man X, Kingdom Hearts, Metal Gear Sold, Dynasty Warriors, and a few other game series I can't think of right now.

My other interests include music, school, Christianity, hanging out with friends, and cars. Well that was just a real quick blog I made to tell everyone about me, if you like you could track me and I'll track you back.
