MegaMan-Fan Blog
First Week Of School and Last Day of Work
by MegaMan-Fan on Comments
School Starting Back Tomorrow
by MegaMan-Fan on Comments
Well, tomorrow marks the end of Christmas break, and the start of school :( . I'm going to take Intro To C programming, Business Statistics II, Financing, and Business Legal Studies. I think I will be pretty busy this semester, so I will not have as much time to play video games or come on Gamespot.
I'm also losing my job in a few weeks. The store I work at has to close since the company is losing money. So I'll be too broke to really do anything or buy anything new. I guess I'll be focusing on all the games I haven't beaten yet since I can't really go buy anything new.
Some good news is that I went out and bought Guitar Hero World Tour. That game is fun and addicting.
Well thats all for now,
First Blog!
by MegaMan-Fan on Comments
Hello all, this is my first blog entry. I guess I should start telling everyone about my gaming interests. I currently own a Wii with about 15 games, a DS with about 8 games, and a PS2 I got recently with very few games. In the past I had all of Nintendo's consoles including the NES, SNES, N64, and Gamecube. My favorite video game series include: Mario, Zelda, Mega Man, Mega Man X, Kingdom Hearts, Metal Gear Sold, Dynasty Warriors, and a few other game series I can't think of right now.
My other interests include music, school, Christianity, hanging out with friends, and cars. Well that was just a real quick blog I made to tell everyone about me, if you like you could track me and I'll track you back.
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