#4 - The Terrific Menace of the Invaders from Audiogalaxy
This is a free flash game but on quality it's way better than any free games out on the web - It's an adventure game and i am sure you will love it - just search GS and download
#5 - Neighbors From Hell
this is actually a tv show and there is no connection between hell and with ur neighbor - ur duity in this game is to scare the hell out him by doing some bizarre tricks. though this game is really short but unique and deserves to be in this list
#6- I Was an Atomic Mutant!
This is a movie based game - in this game you will play as a monster and ur goal is to destroy everything
#7 - Judge Dredd: Dredd Versus Death
This is name isn't that weird but sounds really funny - this is a comic book game and you play as the jugde who tries to clean up the street of mega city one