Devil Vergil: If you mean his suspension the yes I do miss him a lot. I know my banner is out, I would go and request another one but i haven't gotten to it. :P
Tylergamereview: My favorite episode has to be the 3rd one, I just liked how it showed how smart and evil Light can be. I was gone mostly because of school but for the next couple of moths don't be surprised if you see me here everyday. :)
Eucalypta: I hate tomatoes the most, I don't really have a reason but i just do.
Colmillios: I have played Final Fantasy X more times than I can count. I'm looking forward to Guitar Hero 4 it looks like it's going to be simply stunning.
Nightmare-_-: Yup, I am happy with my life at the moment. I love dancing although I tend to get carried away.
Sharingan: You already did. :lol:
Curtis1560: I guess I lucked out. I haven't gotten around to asking for a new one yet.
Well I will be here a lot more often now since school is over for me until September. On the last day all we did was play Rock Band and SuperSmash bros. for the entire day. I have Rock Band but I never got a round to playing it yet since I tought it would be kind of boring playing it by myself. It was my first time playing a Guitar-hero-like game and I have to say it's NOTHING like how a real guitar works!:lol:. After the last day of school was over my friends and I just partied the rest of the day since we wouldn't see each other for a while since most of them are leaving for vacations over the break. I got home at around 2 in the morning and luckily I didn't get caught by my parents since they thought I was spending the night at a friends house.:P
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