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Mel-Belle Blog

*Hint to Love

Ok this is a complete weird blog, but I've been thinking about it; and also I need to clear my mind for the moment.

Love is everywhere, on tv, in books, outside, inside; we all crave it some way and for some reason. My question is why? Why do we all have the urge to be loved by someone? Personally I've never been *in* love, but I'm loved by my family. But what is it we crave the most? The love from family or the love from our other half, so to speak?

We all love our family, or someone in our family, or someone we consider family-- and yet we all crave for more love. Why? Me, I crave it but don't want it. I'm scared to love, I know personal statement but true. I want it but don't. Like I said this is totally random but has been on my thoughts, especially recently because in school it's been brought up a few times in conversations, that they're in love or out of love-- sometimes I envy sometimes I don't.

So my question is what do you think of Love?

Youtube Stress!

So let's see how should I begin this new blog? hmm, oh I know My tummy hurts! :P So seriously it does. You know how you work on something soooo long and soooo hard and after you finally finish it your tummy hurts because you're soooo stressed from all that!? Well that's why my tummy hurts, I'm stressed out! and Why!? Because of Youtube! Yep!

Here's the story! I've been working on my last Bones video that I've made until the next hiatus, that's what I do now, make three new vids after every hiatus. :) Unless Requested of course. So anyway, last vid right!? And what happens my Sony Vegas crashes on me and deletes my video. RIGHT AFTER I FINISHED IT! So I had to REDUE it! ugh! Then after I re-did it I uploaded it to youtube! which declind it, so I tried again, and again. Still same reason, Audio Infrigeament, which I think is stupid since I bought the song! :roll: So after that I waited a day, and asked for help from my viewers and some came up with suggestions so I tried three more times only to get it deleted three more times! Finally I said screw it I'm going to upload it to a different site and I did!

Megaupload. :P Yeah, but I also had to make a new video to explain where my other video was sent to. lollll Yeah I'm stressed! So anyway Now I finally got both video's uploaded the (Message) one on youtube and the orginal Bones vid on megaupload. Soooooo... if you'd like to see it. here's the link. :)

If not it's ok! lol Just really here to vent out my stress, which helped a bit. :P Ok that's my story, talk to you later. ;)

Coke or Pepsi tv show style. ;)

ok this is the deal, what you do is answer which one and then put your own this and that and continue on. So like say the question was Grey's Anatomy or ER I'll put Grey's and then make my own question. Buffy or Angel that sorta thing. ;) Oh and you only pick one show per person. ;)

So here I go. BONES

Bones or X-Files?

Booth or Hodgins?

Brennan or Angela?

Zack or Sweets?

Booth hot or not?

Hodgins hot or not?

Angela or Cam?

Cam or Goodman?

Ok who wants to take over and answer and now add there own?

It's actually fun we play this on youtube. :P

Gone, Back, Change

Wow I've been gone for a while and everything changed. lol It took me awhile to figure out how to change my profile and better yet, write a new blog.

So how's everyone been doing? Me College has officially taken over my life. :) I'm enjoying film school and stuff. I have now started my second Quarter and am having fun. It's allot easier then High school I can give you that.

Moving is still a no go. We're stuck here and no one wants to buy our house, course that's probably because of the economics and junk. gah I hate that. So I'm still stuck here sharing a room No books to read except homework. My literal vocab is going down. :( I feel so dumb sometimes.

Anyway I'm taking a Photoshop class, it was just given to me, but it's so frustrating! I'm so used to my program I find myself yelling at the computer because it's not the same. ugh! Does anybody have Photoshop? Did you find it hard at first?

Well not much has been going on-- um.. I'll be sending hello cards shortly. lol so hope you all enjoy that. :) Ok ttyl

Tagged again! (Cooljay12, Skaene, VaMpIrEs$uCk, HaveSumFaith, T_Brennan)

I got tagged again by Bones_lover. lol :P That's why I haven't posted up a new blog yet cause I was thinking what else I could say about myself. lol sooo here it goes.

#5: I have a slight crush on Angel and Booth (no not David Boreanaz! I've never met the guy.) lol I know I'm weird!

#4: (I got this idea from Bones_lover) my middle name is Danielle.

#3: I love MSN. lol and I've been making Wallpapers for Fanpop. :)

#2: I just got back from Great America and now am going to go camping soon. :) (Plus I'm going camping 3 different times this month.) lol

#1: I walk to Target instead of the Library to read the new books. loll I know I'm weird. lol

Tagging now!! >> Cooljay12 Skaene VaMpIrEsSuCk HaveSumFaith T_Brennan

Off track been Tagged!

K, I was tagged by Skaene. :D Thanks. lol

It's been awhile since I've been tagged so here we go... 10 facts.

1. Natural Blonde but died it once to Auburn which I thought was nice and people treated me more adultish. lol (meaning, normally even though I'm 17 I've been mistaken as a 13-15 years old.) Yes 13 once. that shocked me I don't look that young. :shock: Anyway back to being a blonde.

2. Top five favorite shows... Bones, Angel, BtVs, VMars and lately been getting into X-Files... :P

3. I live in a three bedroom house with 7 people that's including me. :shock: A reason I can't wait to move. :P

4. I love Film making... on youtube I've made several music videos about my family, tv shows or other out of the blew things. lol

5. I read and write fanfiction. :) I'm known as MelBelle2 over there. :) I've written allot of fics but have only posted so far 8. 3 for Bones 1 for BtVs and 4 for Angel.

6. I'm going skydiving. :lol: I'll be sure to tell you all that when I find someone to go with me, everyone's to chicken. :?

7. I have 3 cats, 2 dogs and 1 hermit crab. :lol:

8. Mash is like played almost all day over here at the house, cause my sister just loves the show. :P (random answer)

9. My favorite oh no word is "oy". lol Don't know why I just love saying it and it pops out. Lately so does Bugger and Bloody hell, (thanks allot Spike) lolll :lol:

10. I have 3 brothers and 4 sisters. One nephew and two nieces, and my nephew is my age and just graduated also.

Ok that's all can't think of anything else... :P um Oh random I love music!

Ok five people!! You'll get a PM from me. ;)

Next Blog!

Ok like I said before the blog was too long so I had to make another. Ok Moving Day.... yep it's true. You all know about the graduation and it was great -- loved it. lol But later my parents came and surprised all us saying, "Hey kids we're moving!" I mean 8 years! 8 years of living in this small house -- well we all busted up laughing. It was to hard to believe. We went through the entire cry wolf scenrio before. "Kids we're moving!" "I'm packing to get ready for when we move." "we plan on moving sometime this year." "We hope to move in a year or two." We went through this for 8 years. So when they told us again we just basically shrugged it off... course that changed when the realater came in and now we have a signed outside saying, "For Sale!" Eeek I'm excited and yet, wow 8 years it's a bit hard and surprising. But we do need room! Anywho that's the main new plot of my story.... the next chapter, next blog. Moving! lol Wait until the actual moving day! the new house! new room, new everything basically but that's nothing compared to what my next blog will be.....

College "Film School"

Moving Forward

High school graduation... cl@ss of 2008! It was a scary moment and exciting! I never thought'd it actually happen, you think about it... you hear about and you know it's ahead... but the day it comes it's still a surprise. 3 things surprising happened to me on that day, the first... while I was late for my graduation my dad and I were about to head out when a huge big red truck pulls up revealing my best friend! Whose been driving for more then 3 hours just to make it to my graduation. :D I couldn't believe she made it! I was so happy and surprised, I'll admit that that was the biggest surprise. After that the second thing that came to me as a surprise was I won a presidential award, which I had no idea of. My teacher never told me because she wanted to see my reaaction, so I was the only one out of the five who had no idea. lol. My third and last surprise was... well a party. I hate parties, not that big about them... I mean I can go to them and have a blast, but a party for just me... I just can't stand them. Except if it's just close friends and family. And I never told my parents that... somehow they figured though cause that's the party I got just close friends and family. It was perfect! After that I went to my BF's house to go to her graduation. I'm so proud of her. It was one busy week but it was memorable and fun. Well I was going to write more, but I just know it's way tooo long... so next blog...


Do you miss my once a month Hello's???

Hey I was just curious. Because of how busy I've been, I missed the hello day. :? I was just wondering any of you miss those? I know it's a stupid question to ask, but I thought I'd say hello on the blog today. I'm too busy at the moment to send out Hi cards. But just to let you know I'm still saying Hi! So Hi!! *waving*

How childish am I, (Thought I'd check to see)

How childish are you?

[ ] Sleep with a stuffed animal

[ ] Eat sugary cereal for breakfast

[ ] Watch Saturday Morning cartoons

[ ] Are afraid of the dark

[ ] Love the color pink

[x] Never get in fights with your parents (Hey who doesn't argue with there parents at times?)

[ ] Think ice cream for lunch is perfectly reasonable

[ ] Hug often

[ ] Cry about stupid things

[ ] Use the "sad eyes" on your parents

[ ] Have a goldfish as a pet

[ ] Wear slippers

[ ] Are attracted to shiny objects

[ ] Think happy faces are cute

[x] Sometimes answer the phone by saying, "Yellow?"

[ ] Shower less than three times a week

[ ] Take bubble baths

[ ] Have a furby

[ ] Think it is fun to catch bugs

[ ] Know how to take the stinger out of a bee

[ ] Use a lifejacket when you go swimming

[ ] Make daisy necklaces/bracelets when you go to the park

[x] Love the game 'Rock, Paper, Scissors'

[ ] Listen to Britney Spears and N'Sync

[x] Watch Spongebob Squarepants (It's hard not to in my house, it's my little brothers favorite show)

[x] Dream about going to amusement parks

[x] When im bored. i Like these surveys

[ ] Make fart noises with your armpits

[x] make random comments at random times

[ ] Sleep before 12 almost every night

Now count up all your x's and multiply it by 5.

That is how childish you are.


:shock: Oh that's just sad. loll :P I'm not childish. Well I'm not, I'm known to the kids as the second mom in the house. :? But nothing wrong with that. :P