Favorite Characters, who have lasted the longest so far.
Michael is an interesting charcter, and since he's back, I thought I'd add him to the list. I like Michael because, even though he's done allot of stupid things, to get his son. He still does it because he loves and cares for him. He wouldn't want anything bad to happen to Walt, and he's been trying hard to keep his family together.
He's hardly seen but we all know he's gifted with something, and wish we could see what the gift is. :D I know short, but that's the main thing I find interesting about Walt.
Claire. The mother of Aaron. I give her props for all the things she's done to keep her baby with her and alive. Course it's tough and all, with the island trying to take her and her baby from the not being able to have kids reason. But she still does what she can.
Sun at first did have allot of interesting background, but I began to like her character more so after season 2. She grew to be a very strong woman, I even think Jin notices.
It's a shame what happens to him in the future. I very much enjoyed his character. He came so far, to being a good husband. He strayed a little back home, and was still a little out of touch with the world when they came to the island, but he's shown he can trust people by just letting his gaurd down. I like that allot about him.
I felt for his character deeply when Shannon died. It was aweful and sad. And I like this character because of what he's capable of doing. He is trained to do all of these things, and hide his emotions, but when it comes to hurting the innocent it's hard to hide his feelings. He is truely a caring person.
I swear he's been really becoming slightly freaky getting all attached to the island saverly. But he still is one of my favorite characters cause he knows there's more to the island that is need telling until he let's anybody off the island.
Ok, I like Ben allot! He's such an awesome bad guy. He keeps his cool in a devilishly way. He can sneek up on you and have that look of him having something up his sleeve. He is truly an interesting character and I cannot wait to learn more about his past.
One of my absolute favorite charcters. I love him. He's still the same hurley, he's grown to not blame himself as much for crashing the plane, which is a good thing...and he has a big part in the later future. He seems to be connected to each surviors somehow. He being the one to tell Jack to go back, which he then becomes horrifying and tries to get Kate to follow, and then ofcourse Sun he still keeps in contact. and Sayid is still in contact with Ben who he's trying to save his friends. So it's all together.
I love Desmond. He has so much to offer to this show. He not only has flashes of the future, but has been brought to that island twice. And has a huge piece in the frieghter ship. He being in love with Penny and her father is the one who owns the ship.
I love Sawyer, he's still awesome, cocky and everything. His main goal is surviving, and he has truly become a better man since he's been on the island.
The one caught in between to men who love her...and a world she can't go back too. She's a killer, but only for what she felt was right, she's been through allot back at home, and also here on the island. There's still more in store for her especially since she is now a mother.
Jack, he's still on the top of my list. He has it all... leadership, hotness (in my oppinion), and bravery. He's the one everyone looked up to since the beginning. He's their hero, even the ones who left to go with Locke... they all still show repsect for him, because they know he would never put them in harms way, and he always does what he can for the right of the people.
He will always be my favorite. I cried when he died and miss him terribly, he was so important to the show. and I love how they gave him a proper exit. He died protecting not only Claire the one he came to love, but also his friends he grew to know and love on the island. He was one truly remarkable person and we all miss him terribly.
Favorite Quote: Hurley: He's not crazy. What about Charlie? Charlie went down to that place so we could all be rescued. And whatever he did down there, it worked. But then something must have happened. He must have heard something before he... (Pauses) I don't know why, but he changed his mind ... Because the last thing he did was to warn us that the people on that boat are not who they said they were. So I'm not listening to you. I'm listening to my friend. I'm listening to Charlie.
Favorite Couple: