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Tv Countdown Tru Calling!

Man I had this all written out last night, and my computer all of the sudden decides to crash. :| I mean that's just sooo wrong. Ok well here's Tru Calling cast in order of my favs.

#4 Davis

Davis to me is like an older brother, a Wesley/Giles/watcher mix up type of guy. :P He's funny even though he tries not to be, sweet, caring and always looks out for Tru. He is a shy guy though, and there is one weakness he has, and that is woman who tend to find him attractive. Other than that, he's a pretty mellow guy. I wish they continued the show so I could have seen what became of him, they left us with a huge christmas cliff hanger where he was dating the enemy and didn't know it. :?

#3 Jack Harper

It's pretty hard not to like this guy, known to Tru as "Death". I love his character, he's trapped in two different worlds confused and afraid, yet he hides his emotions. He says he hates his job, the job of doing nothing, but he feels it's the right thing to do. If they died already then they're to die, if they don't someone else will. His character was dark/funny and he was awesome.

#2 Tru Davies

I love her, she was given a gift and didn't dare to stop it. She took the challenge, everyday she regreted not being there for her mother when she died, wishing she had the gift then. But she lives now saving others lives, making sure she gives others a second chance. She's a remarkable person given such an amazing gift and making sure she uses it for good.

#1 Harrison Davies

Ok, why him right?? He doesn't have a power he's not her helper, he's her brother. Well that's it! He does have a power, he keeps her going, he gives her meaning. Harrison almost died twice, and died once. And it devestated her. Nothing seemed right without her brother, sure he screwed up allot, but who doesn't. When he did, she'd help him fix it, when she needed help herself, he helped her to her feet. Harrison was always there for her, and I feel there would of been more he could of given her. He already found out a deep dark secret by the day rewind before he could tell Tru. He knew things still.

Favorite Quote: Jack: Hey, I'm not the one screwing with the Big Guy's plans. If anyone is getting struck by lightning in here, my money's on you.

Favorite Couple: