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Melpoe Blog

Blog for future refrence, no purpose.

Why do people... Sorry, why do suckers buy every CoD game? I'll admit ive bought every CoD game besides BO(still makes me a sucker mind you), but i'll never buy CoD:Black Ops or any other cod game from now on.

CoD is like a sports game, their is one every year and it's a waste of money since it's been the same damn thing since CoD4. WaW was just the same as the last 3 CoD games before it.

I understand people enjoy it, and good for them. It's they're money and they do not need some loser like me telling them how to spend it. At this rate however if CoD continues to be milked and purchased by the "cod fans" other Devs will take notice. Soon, many Devs will start milking they're franchises as well, and before you know it many more games will become just a casual as CoD.

What if a new Uncharted game came out every year? or a new fallout game? better yet, we know MGS is a popular franchise, let's make a new Metal Gear game come out every year too. Before you know it devs will be milking their franchises so bad, they'll forget what the definition of creativity and originality stand for.

Had to copy and paste this thing I wrote on the PS3 forums, wanted it for a furture reference :P.

5 movies you need to see in you're life time.

This is just a nice little blog I am making while I wait for Fallout:New Vegas. Let mr just inform you that these 5 movies are not my top 5 favorite movies of all time. I picked these because I feel that they will have the greatest impact on you, and will leave a strong emotional impression that you'll never forget. They may not be the best films ever, but they sure are movies you need to catch (imo).

5. The Silence Of The Lambs (1991)

This is my favorite movie of all time, and it's only at number 5. I feel it's just something you need to catch. The whole movie is just so intriguing, you cannot take you're eyes off the screen while watching it. A great cast followed by a great story makes this one of my must watch films in you're life time. The whole movie is about a up and coming detective (agent sterling) and her assignment to interview Hannibal Lecter, a cold blooded murder. Eventually her assignment takes a different course, she starts using Lecter in order to gain information on a recent killer that has been plaguing the country, his name is buffalo Bill. The movie is so intense and leaves you with chills and exciment. You need to see this movie, it will leave a long lasting impression on you.

4. The Frighteners (1996)

Let's get one thing out of the way, I am not a religous person. That does not mean I cannot enjoy a movie about ghosts and neither should you, if you happen to not be reliogus/believe in ghosts. I can easily say that this is one of the strangest films I have ever seen. It has so many different genres mixed into it, Comedy,Mystery,and Horror. Sometimes I forget im watching an R rated movie. The movie stars one of my favorite actors, Michael J Fox who plays the role of Frank Bannister, a local con artist that tricks people into thinking they're homes are haunted. The plot is much more then that, the local town is being tormented by unwelcomed deaths that are not just by coincidence. All I can say is you will never forget this films, it's something that will warm your heart and easily leave an impression on you. Also, did I mention it is directed by Peter Jackson?

3. Raging Bull (1980)

Can you say "greatest sport's film ever?", well I hope you can because that's what Raging Bull is. Rocky came out in 1976 and it took hollywood by storm. Truly an inspiring movie and at the time the best sport's movie ever made. That is until Raging Bull came out. Raging Bull is more gritty, more serious, and more real then what Rocky could have ever even dreamed of being. Raging Bull is based on the life of Jake La Motta, a guy that's only good for one thing, and that's fighting. The man is so stuck up in his own world that he neglects the ones around him, and ultimate that leads him to his own downfall. It's a truely inspiring and touching film that everybody must see.

2. Donnie Darko (2001)

Easily the most thought provoking film ive seen. Donnie Darko is all about a boy who finds out that the world is apparently going to end in 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, and 12 seconds. I can't honestly go and tell you much more unless I wanted to spoiled it for you so let me just say that you need to see this movie. It's very confusing and it is something you will need to see more then once. If you're someone that enjoys having your brain messed with, I would advise you to see this film. Doonie Darko is easily one of the greatest movies made since 2001, and it is a cult phenomenon.

1. Forrest Gump (1994)

Well im sure alot of people have seen this film, and that is a good thing. Forrest Gump is easily just a heart warming and satisfying movie in every way. I can't really go into details because there is just so much I I could talk about and I have no idea where to start. Trust me, you must see this movie if you haven't yet. Im sure if you're curious you could just ask around, many people have seen this film and you need to get on that if you haven't. It's just such an amazing movie, Tom Hanks performs yet again with such great talent. The way the story is told and scene is another thing that makes it great. So please, see this film and do yourself a favor.

Thank you all for reading and have a great day.

Duke Nukem, And Some Fallout:NV

Well it's 4pm by me atm and I feel like making a random blog. I do not know about you guys but im very excited for Duke Nukem Forever. I have waited a good 10 years for the game and I am literally bouncing off the walls in excitement. The only thing that worries me about old Duke is people are most likely going to hype this game beyond belief. Im sure it will be a great game for Duke fans, but sadly im sure people will be disappointed. So for anyone out their waiting for Duke Nukem Forever please, do not hype the game up and just take it as it is. I to am worried about just the console versions. I hope they do a good job at porting Duke over to the PS3/360 without it having too many bugs/glitches.

So yeah, this blog is not about just the king of fps's, it's also about Fallout:NV. Their are absolutely no games for the past 3 months so far for me, and Fallout:NV has to last me until LBP2 comes out. Im sure it will last me atleast a good month, Fallout 3 kept me busy for 3 months. Im worried about New Vegas though, im afraid because I feel Obsidian has not worked on the game for a long enough time. Look, I have no doubt that if given the opportunity, Obsidian would make Fallout:NV 10x better then Fallout 3, since they are the daddies of the Fallout universe. However knowing Obsidian was probably working on this game for a mere 2 years has me worried. The only thing that gives me hope is the fact they are using the same graphic engine as Fallout 3. Since they are doing that, and do not have to rebuild an engine from the ground up, it seems that maybe within 2 years they could possibly make New Vegas and make it right.

I don't know, im worried but at the same time i'll have hope that New Vegas turns out to be better then Fallout 3. It really bites you are not coming from a Vault, but yet at the same time it's set in Vegas, and that could lead to endless possibilities in terms of side quests. Yes I feel it will be better the fallout 3, in terms of gameplay, but in terms of story..we'll have ti find out.

So anyway thanks for reading, and please if you are getting New Vegas tell me about your feelings towards it.

Hail To The King, 2011 ;).

5 games that haunt my dreams.

This blog is all about scary games, obviously these choices were chosen because of how old I was when actually playing the games so my opinion of them is carved in stone mainly because of that nostalgia factor. So please kick back and relax and I hope you enjoy my top 5 scariest games of all time.

5.DooM (PS1)

When I was about 5 years old I got my first gaming console, the PS1. I loved it and my Dad was a DooM fanatic. He would play DooM all the time and even though he is not even decent at video games he beat DooM over 3 times and beat it on the hardest difficulty which still to this day I can not even do. DooM comes in at number 5 because... well isent it obvious, think about it, take a 5 year old and let him go play a game with monsters. I was mainly afriad of DooM because of the death scream, see when your character dies in DooM he always lets out this furious scream of horror that scared me to death when I was little. It scared me so much that before my character would die I would cover my ears in anticipation of his early death lol.

4.Resident Evil 4 (Gamecube)

Resident Evil 4 is probably the most recent game that actually scared me, not just gave me chills down my back but actually gave me nightmares. As scary as it was I could not stop myself from playing it, I am a huge RE fan and RE4 while scary still was something I could not just put down and cry about. I HAD to play it and I NEEDED to beat it and I sure did :D. RE4 was mainly scary due to the fact it was the first RE game I played with updated graphics, I was use to the playstation RE ****and when I jumped this this everything was different. Great game, not as good as RE2 imo but still a scary and gut wrenching game.

3.Call of Cthulhu (Xbox)

Now this game is scary, I played it at night while it was thundering and ill never forget that night, mainly because I did not sleep lol. CoC is just an amazing game that has to be played, it does not make you go guns a blazing and mainly tries to mess with your mind which I like. I remember having nightmares about this game for at least a week, and yes I did have the courage to beat it just incase you were wondering ;).

2.Resident Evil 2 (PS1)

Oh yes, Resident Evil 2 sure did put a dent in my childhood. It was the first video game I ever saw being played, I was with my dad at his friends house and I was watching my dads friend play RE2, ofcourse I was scared but again I could not keep my eyes away from it. After that visit I told my dad I have to get a PS1 and he bought me one :D but he told me I could not play RE2 until I was 10 :(. So I waited and then finally I was 10, I played Re 2 then RE1. Resident Evil 2 scared the hell out of me though and just like Re4 I could not stop playing it. I love zombies and Resident Evil 2 got me started into gaming, it got me interested into it and without it I would not be playing games today...maybe :P.

1.Silent Hill (PS1)

Yes, yes there are many disturbing images within Silent Hill. This game is the top game that haunts my dreams, I played it when I was 5 and I remember just how terrified I was with it but ofcourse I could not stop playing it. Me and my dad played it and all I remember was trying very hard to just get to the school part of then game, my dad told me when I was older that we did make it to the school within Silent Hill, but I do not remember getting their. It is one of my favorite games of all time and for over 13 years I have not beaten it.. until today, I just beat Silent Hill and this is why I am writing this blog. I absolutely love this game, I loved it before I beat it and I love it even more now. The plot was just so interesting and the game is still scary as hell. I came back to conquer silent hill and I did and I can finally put a chapter in my life to rest. for years I always wanted to re play this game and give it another chance but I could not do it. I had not idea where my PS1 went and I did not feel like buying a new one. but after scavenging through some old junk I found it and popped in my black labelled SH with a grin on my face and was overjoyed with how great the game was. I beat Silent Hill and im glad I did since my 6th favorite game of all time should be a game I have at least beaten :P. Now their is only one more thing I must do... just one more game and then I can finally wait in excitement for the newest SH. I must play..

See you all later and have a great week :D.

(Ive been gone for a while so I decided to write a blog! and ty for reading and please post your top 5 scariest games in your life time.)

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly.

No this blog is not about Mr.Eastwood and his fine films, this blog is about the E3 2010 Press Conferences for Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. Now yes I know alot of people are blogging about these 3 gaming giants atm but please bare with me :). So I have alot of mixed reactions to the conferences for S,M,and N. First of all this year was dreadful to say the least. MS and Sony were all about their little Motion garbage which im okay with, but I want to see games, not a person waving their arm to replacate a sword on a television screen. Ill start with Nintendo (aka the Good stuff). I thought Nintendo did very well this year, they advertised heavily on GAMES (omg no way) and I feel they won this E3. They actually gave their audience what they wanted and even though they had some problems with Links bow, they still pulled through and had an fantastic conference.

Now let me say some things about Sony (aka the Bad). Okay they did not do that terrible of a job, however they were a snooze fest for the first half. They talked a little about their games and ofcourse talked a little about the move which im okay with. I am curious about the move and what games might come out for it, but im more interested on GAMES. So I was at a lost, I felt empty towards the end of the conference for Sony until they reveled Twisted Metal.

Now I loved Twisted Metal on the PS1, it was a big part of my childhood, sadly I never played TM:Black but one day I will purchase that game. Twisted Metal saved Sony's conference for me and even though Nintendo won, I feel sony won since A- I own a PS3 and not a Wii or 360 so they do not effect me :P, and B- did I forget to mention Twisted Metal!!?!!.

Okay so now.. it's MS turn (aka the ugly). Now I use to own a 360, I had 37k gamerscore and I owned one for 3 years so please do not call me a fanboy for being..dissapointed?

Well first off what in god's name were MS thinking? first of all they shoved Kinect down the throats of everybody for their entire conference. I mean my goodness, can they get anymore desperate? I thought the Kinect sounded cool and I was excited to see what MS would bring to the table this year. I was in for a shocker, I did not think MS would have failed this much I really didn't. If you can see the gif above ^^ it shows a guy "playing" the star wars game on the kinect, and ofcourse remember what the guy said before they showed the star wars game? "it's gameplay, im super serious". Yea im sure he was serious. Now when I saw MS's conference I feared Sony would do the same thing and try to shove the Move down are throats, luckily they did not do that. It was almost embarrissing the watch MS conference, they really tried hard to show off the kinect and in the end they only thing the showed off is A- their money they put into getting all those actors, and B- showing how the kinect might possibly be very unresponive to the players actual movement.

So thats all I have to say, I just wanted to add I sold my 360 back in 09 when MS came out with the Avatar Market place. I lost all repsect for MS when they did that, over charging things for the 360's avatars and ofcourse selling Cod 2 for $30?!?. I really got pushed over the edge though because everyone I knew on my 360 f list all suckerd in and bought into that crap and actually purchased things like the Light Saber, and a full GeOW outfit. If I still owned a 360 today, I would be selling it right now after seeing this conference.

So congratulations Nintendo, you came, you saw, and you conquered this years E3, go have fun and we shall see who takes next years e3 :) ( MS you better do better lol :P ).

Side Note- Please forgive me for my spelling, and please do not get hissy with me just because I came down harsh on MS, I love the 360 but I have no respect for MS and thats why I was so harsh :P.

Unforgotten Realms?

Hey I was just curious if anyone watches or has watched Unforgotten Realms before? Or better yet has anyone ever heard of it? Well basically this Web cartoon started back on YouTube back in 2007 I believe and I really enjoyed it, ALOT. Eventually the original episodes got to episode 8 and Rob Moran the creator of Uforgotten Realms did not make new episodes after that. However Rob was working on revamping Unforgotten Realms to make it look much, much better. He got offered a job at the Escapist and started uploading new Unforgotten Realms episodes onto that web site( or atleast I believe thats how it went down, not 100% sure).

Basically bottom line, I loved the old Unforgotten realms and after waiting a year (or more) for the new revamped versions I was really excited, however I hated them for some reason, I guess I hated the way it looked and loved how crappy it looked before it got revamped(the way it looked before getting revamped just made it so funny).

So anyway I gave Unforgotten realms another try after a year or two and I love it! I do not understand why I hated the new version at first, but I watched all 47 episodes and can't wait for the new episode this friday. So if you have never seen Unforgotten Realms before and feel like giving it a chance (since it's pretty damn funny) please, please, please do not go to the Escapist to view it, go to the main Website at go to the top were it says "shows" then once you click on an episode for example episode 1, a trailer for the episode will start playing, just look directly below the trailer to the "watch now" button, press it and watch the full episode (the reason I do not want you to view it off the Espcapist is because if you go to the main web site for UR, it benefits Rob, and will help him fund UR better).

The show is basically about two guys named Rob, and Mike who one day decide to play a game simialr to Dungeons and Dragons called Unforgotten Realms, it is a pretty funny show and I adore it, so please check it out if you play alot of Role Playing type games, you might just like the stupid random humour this web show has to offer.

Also some side things, the guy who made Unforgotten Realms did Jimmy The World Of Warcraft Story on Youtube, he also did Time Gnomes. I would also like to thank Rob Moran for making such a terrific show, it has given me alot of joy even if that joy is for only 7+ mins lol.

I hate you Mr.Patterson

So yea there have been alot of things going on in New York right now that really get under my skin. Now I do not live in New York but I cannot stand Gov Patterson. See at first I was po'ed about him making people undertake this furlough crap but just this morning I heard on the news that after stating he wants people to take cuts from there hard earned pay, he just gave his staff memebers a $5,000-$10,000 raises...

I hate you Mr.Patterson

Then again maybe since he is legaly blind he "accidentily" signed a fourm giving his staffers raises.. He could use that as an excuse right?

kick A$$.. more like Inhale A$$!! (imo)

Okay im sorry I really do not like to bluntly say this or that movie is "bad" since everyone has there own opinions about things. I knew before seeing Kick-a that I would not like it for one main reason and trust me I know it is a ridiculous reason but just bear with me lol. So anywho I knew I would hate the movie mainly due to the fact I cant not stand things that are too unrealiastic, now ofcourse I can watch movies such as terminator, avatar (which I hated), and Clas Of The Titans without blurting out every 5 mins how unrealilistic it is. But one thing ONE thing that I cannot stand to see in films are little kids doing things that they are not physically capable of doing, such as Hit Girl in the movie Kick-A. I knew just from watching the trailers I would despise this movie because of her or just like terminator salvation and that lil kid that is following reese.

So for whatever reason I did really want to see this movie mainly because all the parts without Hit Girl I knew I would enjoy very much, and ofcourse I did but I just cannot stop thinking about how bad the movie was all because of that little brat, and I would have hated the comic as well since i cannot stand for that crap. Now this also happend with the movie The Lovely Bones, I love stanley tucci alot since he is an excellent actor, but I could not stand this movie since it was just way too unreal for me. I loved the whole movie just not the parts about that girl susie when she was in her so called "heavn". Now im all for spirtual things in movies even though I do not firmly believe in god or an after life but common this movie was so damn corney in these scenes I actually wanted to throw up >:(.

So yea sorry if I offended anyones opinions but I just had to let off steam, I saw this movie 3 days ago and I cannot stop thinking about how stupid it was and same with The Lovely Bones.

So if you happend to have the urge to see Kick-A and have the same problem I have.. you have been warned I guess lol.

Top Ten Movies Of All Time.

Okay so I have not made a blog in a while so im just going to post my top 10 movies of all time for a future refrence for myself and if anyone comments on my blog please list yours as well :).


9-The Shining

8-Resevoir Dogs

7-God Father 1-3

6-Back To The Future 1-3


4-Pulp Fiction

3-One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest

2-Saving Private Ryan

1-The Silence Of The Lambs

So thats about it, its very hard to really pick anything to be in a top ten catagory but movies... there are just so many to choose from. Currently I own 60+ movies in my collection and have seen many movies in my life and its sort of like a hobby to just watch amazing films from the 70's,80's. and 90's. The movies I have listed are movies that made a lasting impact on me and forever changed my view on the newer films of today(making them much more boring to watch >_>). So Thank you for reading and have fun watching some movies ;)

Dragon Age and Modern Warefare 2

Well its tuesday (yay!) and MW2 comes out today and im picking it up, im pretty happy cause MW is the only online game I enjoy to play next to Uncharted 2 and I love the campaign mode in Cod4 so hopefully MW2 will be as well written and MW1 was. I love Dragon Age so im happy I bought that addicting game last week, I did not ever think it would be as good as it is and I cant stop myself from playing it :(. I mean im on it like every single spare second I can get and I love the dialog in it!

So with MW2 on the horozine of today for me I was wondering what I would do first story or online, for me I chose the story since I do not want anything spoiled for me during the online play cause I know somebody is going to run on there and spew something out of there unforgiving mouth like my friend did in Uncharted 2 (he did not spoil it for me just for other people we were playing against) so I gotta be careful about thos people >_>.

Im pretty excited to see what weapons they have in MW2, I was not keeping "up to date" on it or following MW2 around so I know practically nothing about it besides the campaign a little. So yeah also alot of people go around saying how MW2 is going to be like MW1 and say there not going to get it because its to much of the same thing. I ask myself why they would think that, I mean every sequel to a game that comes out is pretty much the same as the last installment unless they give you a totaly new cast of characters,weapons,and a new story. I mean Uncharted 2 was pretty much like uncharted 1 besides its story and that game did not feel the same as the first. MW2 is going to have a whole new list of guns, new characters besides maybe 1, and lets not forget a new story which will hopefully be as good as the firsts. So are they complaining about the online? the online will have new guns, new maps, and maybe a new gameplay mode or 2. So exactly how is it the same as the first? is it the gameplay? cause if it is that then im sorry thats just a stupid excuse to hate on MW2 because why change something that is almost perfect.

Anyway hope everyone has a good day today and if you are buying MW2 maybe ill see ya in some hardcore search ;)

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