This blog is all about scary games, obviously these choices were chosen because of how old I was when actually playing the games so my opinion of them is carved in stone mainly because of that nostalgia factor. So please kick back and relax and I hope you enjoy my top 5 scariest games of all time.
5.DooM (PS1)
When I was about 5 years old I got my first gaming console, the PS1. I loved it and my Dad was a DooM fanatic. He would play DooM all the time and even though he is not even decent at video games he beat DooM over 3 times and beat it on the hardest difficulty which still to this day I can not even do. DooM comes in at number 5 because... well isent it obvious, think about it, take a 5 year old and let him go play a game with monsters. I was mainly afriad of DooM because of the death scream, see when your character dies in DooM he always lets out this furious scream of horror that scared me to death when I was little. It scared me so much that before my character would die I would cover my ears in anticipation of his early death lol.
4.Resident Evil 4 (Gamecube)
Resident Evil 4 is probably the most recent game that actually scared me, not just gave me chills down my back but actually gave me nightmares. As scary as it was I could not stop myself from playing it, I am a huge RE fan and RE4 while scary still was something I could not just put down and cry about. I HAD to play it and I NEEDED to beat it and I sure did :D. RE4 was mainly scary due to the fact it was the first RE game I played with updated graphics, I was use to the playstation RE ****and when I jumped this this everything was different. Great game, not as good as RE2 imo but still a scary and gut wrenching game.
3.Call of Cthulhu (Xbox)
Now this game is scary, I played it at night while it was thundering and ill never forget that night, mainly because I did not sleep lol. CoC is just an amazing game that has to be played, it does not make you go guns a blazing and mainly tries to mess with your mind which I like. I remember having nightmares about this game for at least a week, and yes I did have the courage to beat it just incase you were wondering ;).
2.Resident Evil 2 (PS1)
Oh yes, Resident Evil 2 sure did put a dent in my childhood. It was the first video game I ever saw being played, I was with my dad at his friends house and I was watching my dads friend play RE2, ofcourse I was scared but again I could not keep my eyes away from it. After that visit I told my dad I have to get a PS1 and he bought me one :D but he told me I could not play RE2 until I was 10 :(. So I waited and then finally I was 10, I played Re 2 then RE1. Resident Evil 2 scared the hell out of me though and just like Re4 I could not stop playing it. I love zombies and Resident Evil 2 got me started into gaming, it got me interested into it and without it I would not be playing games today...maybe :P.
1.Silent Hill (PS1)
Yes, yes there are many disturbing images within Silent Hill. This game is the top game that haunts my dreams, I played it when I was 5 and I remember just how terrified I was with it but ofcourse I could not stop playing it. Me and my dad played it and all I remember was trying very hard to just get to the school part of then game, my dad told me when I was older that we did make it to the school within Silent Hill, but I do not remember getting their. It is one of my favorite games of all time and for over 13 years I have not beaten it.. until today, I just beat Silent Hill and this is why I am writing this blog. I absolutely love this game, I loved it before I beat it and I love it even more now. The plot was just so interesting and the game is still scary as hell. I came back to conquer silent hill and I did and I can finally put a chapter in my life to rest. for years I always wanted to re play this game and give it another chance but I could not do it. I had not idea where my PS1 went and I did not feel like buying a new one. but after scavenging through some old junk I found it and popped in my black labelled SH with a grin on my face and was overjoyed with how great the game was. I beat Silent Hill and im glad I did since my 6th favorite game of all time should be a game I have at least beaten :P. Now their is only one more thing I must do... just one more game and then I can finally wait in excitement for the newest SH. I must play..
See you all later and have a great week :D.
(Ive been gone for a while so I decided to write a blog! and ty for reading and please post your top 5 scariest games in your life time.)