Well it's 4pm by me atm and I feel like making a random blog. I do not know about you guys but im very excited for Duke Nukem Forever. I have waited a good 10 years for the game and I am literally bouncing off the walls in excitement. The only thing that worries me about old Duke is people are most likely going to hype this game beyond belief. Im sure it will be a great game for Duke fans, but sadly im sure people will be disappointed. So for anyone out their waiting for Duke Nukem Forever please, do not hype the game up and just take it as it is. I to am worried about just the console versions. I hope they do a good job at porting Duke over to the PS3/360 without it having too many bugs/glitches.
So yeah, this blog is not about just the king of fps's, it's also about Fallout:NV. Their are absolutely no games for the past 3 months so far for me, and Fallout:NV has to last me until LBP2 comes out. Im sure it will last me atleast a good month, Fallout 3 kept me busy for 3 months. Im worried about New Vegas though, im afraid because I feel Obsidian has not worked on the game for a long enough time. Look, I have no doubt that if given the opportunity, Obsidian would make Fallout:NV 10x better then Fallout 3, since they are the daddies of the Fallout universe. However knowing Obsidian was probably working on this game for a mere 2 years has me worried. The only thing that gives me hope is the fact they are using the same graphic engine as Fallout 3. Since they are doing that, and do not have to rebuild an engine from the ground up, it seems that maybe within 2 years they could possibly make New Vegas and make it right.
I don't know, im worried but at the same time i'll have hope that New Vegas turns out to be better then Fallout 3. It really bites you are not coming from a Vault, but yet at the same time it's set in Vegas, and that could lead to endless possibilities in terms of side quests. Yes I feel it will be better the fallout 3, in terms of gameplay, but in terms of story..we'll have ti find out.
So anyway thanks for reading, and please if you are getting New Vegas tell me about your feelings towards it.
Hail To The King, 2011 ;).