Okay im sorry I really do not like to bluntly say this or that movie is "bad" since everyone has there own opinions about things. I knew before seeing Kick-a that I would not like it for one main reason and trust me I know it is a ridiculous reason but just bear with me lol. So anywho I knew I would hate the movie mainly due to the fact I cant not stand things that are too unrealiastic, now ofcourse I can watch movies such as terminator, avatar (which I hated), and Clas Of The Titans without blurting out every 5 mins how unrealilistic it is. But one thing ONE thing that I cannot stand to see in films are little kids doing things that they are not physically capable of doing, such as Hit Girl in the movie Kick-A. I knew just from watching the trailers I would despise this movie because of her or just like terminator salvation and that lil kid that is following reese.
So for whatever reason I did really want to see this movie mainly because all the parts without Hit Girl I knew I would enjoy very much, and ofcourse I did but I just cannot stop thinking about how bad the movie was all because of that little brat, and I would have hated the comic as well since i cannot stand for that crap. Now this also happend with the movie The Lovely Bones, I love stanley tucci alot since he is an excellent actor, but I could not stand this movie since it was just way too unreal for me. I loved the whole movie just not the parts about that girl susie when she was in her so called "heavn". Now im all for spirtual things in movies even though I do not firmly believe in god or an after life but common this movie was so damn corney in these scenes I actually wanted to throw up >:(.
So yea sorry if I offended anyones opinions but I just had to let off steam, I saw this movie 3 days ago and I cannot stop thinking about how stupid it was and same with The Lovely Bones.
So if you happend to have the urge to see Kick-A and have the same problem I have.. you have been warned I guess lol.