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The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly.

No this blog is not about Mr.Eastwood and his fine films, this blog is about the E3 2010 Press Conferences for Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. Now yes I know alot of people are blogging about these 3 gaming giants atm but please bare with me :). So I have alot of mixed reactions to the conferences for S,M,and N. First of all this year was dreadful to say the least. MS and Sony were all about their little Motion garbage which im okay with, but I want to see games, not a person waving their arm to replacate a sword on a television screen. Ill start with Nintendo (aka the Good stuff). I thought Nintendo did very well this year, they advertised heavily on GAMES (omg no way) and I feel they won this E3. They actually gave their audience what they wanted and even though they had some problems with Links bow, they still pulled through and had an fantastic conference.

Now let me say some things about Sony (aka the Bad). Okay they did not do that terrible of a job, however they were a snooze fest for the first half. They talked a little about their games and ofcourse talked a little about the move which im okay with. I am curious about the move and what games might come out for it, but im more interested on GAMES. So I was at a lost, I felt empty towards the end of the conference for Sony until they reveled Twisted Metal.

Now I loved Twisted Metal on the PS1, it was a big part of my childhood, sadly I never played TM:Black but one day I will purchase that game. Twisted Metal saved Sony's conference for me and even though Nintendo won, I feel sony won since A- I own a PS3 and not a Wii or 360 so they do not effect me :P, and B- did I forget to mention Twisted Metal!!?!!.

Okay so now.. it's MS turn (aka the ugly). Now I use to own a 360, I had 37k gamerscore and I owned one for 3 years so please do not call me a fanboy for being..dissapointed?

Well first off what in god's name were MS thinking? first of all they shoved Kinect down the throats of everybody for their entire conference. I mean my goodness, can they get anymore desperate? I thought the Kinect sounded cool and I was excited to see what MS would bring to the table this year. I was in for a shocker, I did not think MS would have failed this much I really didn't. If you can see the gif above ^^ it shows a guy "playing" the star wars game on the kinect, and ofcourse remember what the guy said before they showed the star wars game? "it's gameplay, im super serious". Yea im sure he was serious. Now when I saw MS's conference I feared Sony would do the same thing and try to shove the Move down are throats, luckily they did not do that. It was almost embarrissing the watch MS conference, they really tried hard to show off the kinect and in the end they only thing the showed off is A- their money they put into getting all those actors, and B- showing how the kinect might possibly be very unresponive to the players actual movement.

So thats all I have to say, I just wanted to add I sold my 360 back in 09 when MS came out with the Avatar Market place. I lost all repsect for MS when they did that, over charging things for the 360's avatars and ofcourse selling Cod 2 for $30?!?. I really got pushed over the edge though because everyone I knew on my 360 f list all suckerd in and bought into that crap and actually purchased things like the Light Saber, and a full GeOW outfit. If I still owned a 360 today, I would be selling it right now after seeing this conference.

So congratulations Nintendo, you came, you saw, and you conquered this years E3, go have fun and we shall see who takes next years e3 :) ( MS you better do better lol :P ).

Side Note- Please forgive me for my spelling, and please do not get hissy with me just because I came down harsh on MS, I love the 360 but I have no respect for MS and thats why I was so harsh :P.