@lethwei What a stupid comment. Mass Effect has already been classified a 15 by the BBFC in the UK and will likely be age restricted in NA too like the previous games. If you want a "break", try taking some responsibility as a parent for what you buy your kids or is violence more acceptable than homosexuality in your book?
@Raxyman This coming from a fan of a series that infamously shoved shoved a zoophile romance down players' throats without even giving them a choice in the matter. Jog on, you braindead lemming.
Best of luck for Sega in the new year. Looking forward to Project Needlemouse, Yakuza 3 and Infinite Space. @coaltango: I'm not sure I understand your comment... there have probably been more 2D platformers coming out (mostly via DD) in the last four years than 3D platformers.
Menalque2's comments