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Mennich Blog

All right Just putting this out there for anyone interested.

Recently a new forum was created. I know what your thinking, "But Mennach there are already loads of forums out there, why should I care about this one?"

I'll tell you because it slices, dices, and all you have to do is set it and forget it. (sorry to many infomercials.)

Any way I believe there are some people that could enjoy this board if they give it a shot. Right now there are only eight people but these 8 are quite active. any way if intrested click the link and if not I would like to thank you for your time and wish a happy hunting.

Link: Project Malestrom


a.k.a (Ominus Menace)

Christmas Update

Well schools out, and now I got about 3 weeks to wittle away. Got a new job in which I work a midnight/morning shift at "the Brown"...( my main reason for not being on.). Activity wise, when next semester it might be the same as it was this past semester.

Side note...

It sucks when you know what your family is getting you for christmas (They didn't tell me and I didn't look for the gifts).

I'm quiting my job

Today was the last straw 3 people called out today for a football game, 2 people got fired a week ago, are still scheduled to work and my head manager doesn't know what she is doing by cutting the hours of the people who can actually work, and I had to work an 11 hou shift instead of my scheduled 7.

... I just needed to vent to the void of the Internet. The biggest problem is that if I jump ship then I just make matters worst for the coworkers that I leave behind...

guess what I'm trying to say is to quit or not to quit? That is the question.