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Merovingin33 Blog

That 2D Movie Gave Me A Headache

Well it was just announced that "Avatar The Last Airbender" is going to be converted from 2D to 3D!

Which to me sounds likes anther cash out from another movie that tried to convert their 2D movie into 3D.


Here the public thought their outcry of poor half ass quick cut to 3D wasn't going to be tolerated from the movie studios no longer was heard, but I guess the movie business would rather make a quick buck off of 3D, while they believe it's still new, instead of nursing what was considered a dead and useless format back to strength giving it a solid product to sell those fancy 3D TVs. Now people are going to become more cautious when it comes to paying to see a 3D movie, what was once a guaranteed bang for your buck with Up, How To Train Your Dragon, and Avatar leading the good track record will now have these two movies increasing the blemish on the idea that when you pay to see a 3D movie result may very. Thus starting the process of ending what was a close to being a resurrection of a dead format.

Or if you're like me you're still waiting for Virtual Reality.

Holy Hell! Last blog post was in 2008???

Hello Gamespot Community

I can't believe the last time I made a blog post or a post at all on these forums was in 2008.

It will be tough to get anybody back in here to read these,but I can say I remember having fun writing these.

However like everybody else, life catches up with everybody and your side hobbies get pushed aside. Feeling the itch, I've come back to try and bring life back into my account. To anybody who comes in here to read this I thank you for your interest and I'll try to post interesting things and personal thought.

Again Hello, and have a nice week.

Whats that? You gotta new job?

Yup, new job and this time it means more money for stuff.Perhaps a xbox 360, PS3, New Computer! 100 dollar whores as in every one is a dollar... never mind.My new job is a graveyard groundskeeper, I'll be maken more money then ever.Plus I'll be doing hard back braken work so it will give me a reason to get in shape.

Cloverfield: I SAW IT! ITS ALIVE! AND AWESOME!! (no spoilers here)

After catching the midnight showing of cloverfield my friends and I were not disappointed in what we watched. My friends were not hyped into the movie like I was and were still happy with how it went. With gasps and laughs and screams the theater seemed to be happy with the film. The monster itself was a sight to see and well worth the smoke and shadow done by the director Matt Reeves during this roller coaster of trailers and viral marketing.

You get to see the monster from so many angles you wonder how you're going to see this giant beast from next. Don't blink tho or cover your face with popcorn or you will miss something just a warning.

This film is supposed to feel as tho you found this ****fied video of the events that took place in New York so says the disclaimer at the start of the film with military and government code shown on the big screen.

Yes the camera moves, but you have to keep in mind that this is supposed to be a film from the perspective of the human, not the monster. Ever once wonder in a Godzilla film or other how much damage it's doing to the people below? You don't go knowingly to a black and white film and then complain about there not being color. I'm saying if you really hate movies that aren't attached to a steel beam and 100% smooth. I say fine don't go see this film, but you will hear about it.

Best thing of all. It eat people, now this isn't a spoiler since the director told people this way before the movie's release but man is it a breath of fresh air to see a giant monster eat people. Instead of the normal uh oh this species of animal wondered into unknown habitat.

If you like giant monsters and films pushing for outrageous phenomenon's to be in a real world environment. Go see it.

If you want to see something fun go see it but don't think this will change your life and inspire you into a new franchise.

I like it.

p.s if it was **** wouldn't i be ranting about how i regret wasten time since the transformers movie researchen this?

Cloverfield Manga - coming soon-


Japanese magazine Shone Ace posted the first installment of a manga based on J.J. Abrams' new monster flick, Cloverfield, to its website last week. The tie-in manga, titled Cloverfield/Kishin, follows the story of a Japanese boy named Kishin whose fate is somehow tied into the apocalyptic events taking place in New York City. Artist Yoshiki Togawa will draw three more installments of the manga, with the next one slated for online release in late February. There aren't any English translations available yet, so for those who are curious, here's a brief synopsis:

The first chapter opens with Kishin helplessly being picked on at school. The bullies tease him about his mom being a weirdo (we find out she is dead in a flashback sequence). Just as a pretty ****ate helps Kishin out, giving him back his stolen pants and untying his arms from behind his back, the school emergency alarm goes off. But that doesn't mean he's off the hook yet -- the bullies decide to lock him in the gym storage space, snickering: "Isn't that what you're supposed to do in an emergency? Go somewhere safe when you're in danger? It's dangerous outside, with us here."

While this is going on in Japan, a cargo shipper at sea is anxiously waiting to dock. He has a baby on the way and can't wait to get home to his wife. Just as he's being reassured that they're not far from shore, a mysterious set of eyes starts to emerge from the sea. The last sentence reveals that Kishin and this monster are somehow tied together.


Now whether or not this has a tie in with cloverfield is still unknown. No one really knows if this got the ok from JJ and he has a hand in its story. The only things that are related are Tagruato corp "A company that has made billions on ocean oil drilling plants and their NEW discovery SLUSHO!!!"

It is thought that Tagruato is responsible for awakening/making/harvesting of this monster. Ganu is the founder of the company and did loss his mother after she left on a journey to find the worlds best ingredient for a drink. However went missing.

never heard of this kishin, ever. Click the image to go to the site with the manga. click the OPEN button to see it.

Soon to get a new Laptop

So after my computer tower exploded i was liven off my 4 year old laptop from dell with a broken dvd drive, wouldn't turn on some times, and battery was dead.

Well that as well just stopped working one day.

So now I'm without a computer, holy hell that's just wrong.

With cheaper pc hardware coming out with the power to handle Crysis and SLI isn't for the rich, nah the rich now flont the quad SLI whatever. I've decided to sit back and watch and wait until this hole direct x 10 thing gets figured out.

So I've descided to perchase a Laptop instead.

Seeing as I'm not a rich man yet Voodoopc, Falcon-nw, Alienware and all those other companys that give mainstream pc gamers a stiffy are out of the question.

I cannot and will not deal with Dell and their horrible tech support. Gateway is for cows, and I was going to try HP but it turns out their tech support is just as bad as Dells!

Well trying to find a laptop under a grand was looken to be out of the question because most didnt seem to have to power to run what i call normal things. Not to mention i want portable so 17 inch screens were out.

So I then found my way into Asus's parts.

And after research and time I've decided to go a bit over my bugget and get a Asus G1s-B2 Gaming Laptop.


Intel Core 2 Duo T7700(2.40GHz) CPU L2 Cache4MB

Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 8600M GT Video Memory256MB GDDR3 VRAM

memory: 3GB DDR 2 667 + 1GB Turbo Memory: Included

Screen: 15.4" WSXGA+ 1680X1050 Color Shine (Glossy)

Harddrive: 200GB S-ATA 7200rpm

also part of a deal was a 150$ rebate + 100$ steelsound headphones

Cloverfield details.

Can you see it.In the shadows?

8 more days till cloverfield comes out. lots of trailers have been released yet with no answeres.

Well I've been on a cloverfield fan site. We fallowed the viral marketing and much more.

theorys and theorys were made and some were spot on.

one of which i made or a group effort.

mini monsters. yes there will be mini monster however they arnt chest bursters or eggs.

they are parasites. like if you have a dog with fleas they will fall off and attack something less.

in the movie they will be their own ****of havic. i wont say details on what they look like but they are the size of a dog.

the monster is angry and confused. asleep for thousands and thousands of years to wake up to a new world.

this isnt cthulhu, or godzilla or anything you might think, this monster is new and huge.

Yes you will get to see the monster!

and quote Maxx (you will by the end of the movie have a close intament moment)

PAX 07 round up

This year's PAX was bigger and better than ever.

sunday is the last day of the expo and then I'll be posting up a blog with Pic and thoughts.

A short update on what I've been up to

Ok i havent been posting or bloging much not only do to lazyness (isnt going to spell check this blog post)

but i have been busy. for starters I will be on staff for PAX 2007 gaming convention. which will be happen on the 24th of this month.

ill make a good blogging of that when it comes.

also on the cloverfield aka 1-18-08 aka slusho movie.

i was wrong it's not cthulhu. yeh i am sad a s well but since JJ adems said he wanted to make something new. that wouldnt make sence to bring back a old monster.

althought on someone might have figured out what the monster might be. on the history page when you hover your mouse over the animals they show random objects. a hammer, a oven mit, and a cheese.

the monster will be to hot to handeld so you will need a oven mit, it will hit as hard as a hammer, and is as old as cheese.

thats all i got lol