i have always said if i want a port i want disgaea on my psp, it just looks made for the psp.
Now here is a quoto from the NIS america about the subject of a release in America other than Japan.
Because Disgaea is an incredible fan favorite, NIS America is eager to bring Disgaea Portable to the US fans. But in order to make it happen, we will need to prove there is enough support and demand for Disgaea Portable! So we would appreciate it if you could support us by raising your voice and making some noise for Disgaea Portable in the US!
I just voted for it, it looks like you register at the website, once registered look under the members area and click on Pram's Wish List, click the wish list tab on the left, in that list somewhere is a means to vote for a Disgaea on psp.

now if you are one of the people who complain about how japan gets the best games out of the psp and we only get sports and racers ect, well here is the chance to get a great game, if it doesn't pull threw no one to blame but your lazy self. who knows perhaps more japanese companys will do this and ask if the u.s wants it.