Japanese magazine Shone Ace posted the first installment of a manga based on J.J. Abrams' new monster flick, Cloverfield, to its website last week. The tie-in manga, titled Cloverfield/Kishin, follows the story of a Japanese boy named Kishin whose fate is somehow tied into the apocalyptic events taking place in New York City. Artist Yoshiki Togawa will draw three more installments of the manga, with the next one slated for online release in late February. There aren't any English translations available yet, so for those who are curious, here's a brief synopsis:
The first chapter opens with Kishin helplessly being picked on at school. The bullies tease him about his mom being a weirdo (we find out she is dead in a flashback sequence). Just as a pretty ****ate helps Kishin out, giving him back his stolen pants and untying his arms from behind his back, the school emergency alarm goes off. But that doesn't mean he's off the hook yet -- the bullies decide to lock him in the gym storage space, snickering: "Isn't that what you're supposed to do in an emergency? Go somewhere safe when you're in danger? It's dangerous outside, with us here."
While this is going on in Japan, a cargo shipper at sea is anxiously waiting to dock. He has a baby on the way and can't wait to get home to his wife. Just as he's being reassured that they're not far from shore, a mysterious set of eyes starts to emerge from the sea. The last sentence reveals that Kishin and this monster are somehow tied together.
Now whether or not this has a tie in with cloverfield is still unknown. No one really knows if this got the ok from JJ and he has a hand in its story. The only things that are related are Tagruato corp "A company that has made billions on ocean oil drilling plants and their NEW discovery SLUSHO!!!"
It is thought that Tagruato is responsible for awakening/making/harvesting of this monster. Ganu is the founder of the company and did loss his mother after she left on a journey to find the worlds best ingredient for a drink. However went missing.
never heard of this kishin, ever. Click the image to go to the site with the manga. click the OPEN button to see it.