well i now work for microsoft as a game and hardware tester. getting paid quite a bit. also i got those days off. yay, now i need to figure out how to get to the damn con with all my computer stuff and 5.1 surround X_x
Micrsoft is great, i have my own work area along with my own computer which i am on right now as i type this blog, the first 3 days of work were funny cus i got paid to do nothen cus i didn't have the stuff i needed to get work done lol. so i just surfed the internet posted here and ate food. like my normal days.
today tho will be the start of my testing. hope i do well.
a few cool things tho about MS is that at lunch they have head chefs that make you food infront of you. you can get almost anything you want. THEY HAD PUDDING!:shock: sorry pudding is one of those foods you dont eat most of the time.
also i get all the free soda i want. woot
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