Before i start i have to say this. threw my gaming life, i started my gaming on nintendo but then MSDos then sega but then back to PC. so i have been a man of graphics for a long time. i love detailed environment as well can great game play. However when i say great graphics im sure the first thing that comes to your minds is a game like half life 2 or FEAR or idk whatever tickles your pickle.
Thats not the case. Loco Roco doesn't have graphics on a Half life level but they are still very nice.
with that out of the way i have to ask. is the PS3 out of the game?
i have had my doubts that it's been doing very poorly and to buy one now would be a gamble to were i would have bought a $600 dollar machine with no one to play with. I think sony will have to come off at the sleeping gaint at this point. While nintendo has it's zelda and mario and kirby and xbox has it's halo..... and.... umm...
well now lets think about what titles were only on the PS2 and had no hint or rumor to port to anther console.
Kingdom Hearts
Metal Gear 4 (i think is only sony)
God of war 3
those are the only major titles i can think of but im a person that would go out and purchase a console for a great title. i did it for the cube, and the xbox. xbox twice!
i know this blog post sounds incomplete but i just like to make people kinda think.
oh and here is my tat