I just noticed today is my one year anniversary on Gamespot. I would like to thank all the little people who made this possible. My agent, my mom, my son. I would like to thank god, the lord god. And Bethesda. They rock.
MessierFan Blog
2007 looks good
by MessierFan on Comments
So here we are, 2007. What a strange year 2006 was. I wonder what the new year will bring. Hopefully more great games. There were so many amazing games to come out last year I can only hope that this year will be the same. I still cannot believe how much I loved Oblivion. I have not been that impressed with a game since FF 7. That was 10 years ago!!! I'm not saying it's the best game since FF 7. I'm just saying no game since then has captivated me that much. I cannot rave enough. This year also gave us Dead Rising. I love zombies. I love killing zombies. I love Dead Rising. We also got Gears Of War, which is a great game, but I just don't play online that much, so it's not as fun for me as most fans. Still a great game, though. I didn't get to play Twilight Princess yet, but I can't wait. And last but not least, Final Fantasy XII. I am still playing that game after almost three months. I will not give up until I get everything I can. Flatout one of the best games of the year.
Another great thing about '06 was discovering Gamespot. I don't blog that often, and I don't even use the forums that much, but Gamespot is the best source of gaming news, cheats, and all around information I have ever seen. I love it. Anything I need to know about a game is somewhere on the site. I love it.
I have decided to get a Wii as soon as possible. I have been a Sony supporter since the PS1, but after having so many problems with it(i am on my third one, not to mention all the controllers I have gone through) I am giving my money to Nintendo. The Virtual Console is too big of a draw for an old school gamer like me. I love how much gaming has evolved from when I was a kid. Who would have thought twenty years ago playing Pac-man on Atari or Super Mario Bros. on Nintendo that we would one day be able to download demos right to your console, or even buy whole games with the click of a button. And I don't know if I'll ever get over gamerpoints. What a great way to add replay value to your games.
I just hope that 2007 is half as good as 2006. So many games, so little time. But keep it coming...
by MessierFan on Comments
Here we are, Thursday June, 29. I'm still laid off. Actually starting to get used to it, but I have no money. My unemployment checks don't start until next week. I haven't even tried to look for a new job. I guess I'm holding out hope that I will get called back. I do like my job. Only time will tell.
My cousin was just home from Iraq. That was cool. He's been in the army for almost eight years and I miss him. He is my best friend. We grew up playing video games together. It took about 45 seconds to get him addicted to Geometry Wars. The last time he was home he wanted to take my copy of Breath of Fire 3. So I took it of the shelf for him, and by the end of the day he had changed his mind and decided to leave it here. I haven't seen it since. He says he didn't take it. It looks like it just vanished out of thin air. Strange, but it really pisses me off. A great classic game like BOF 3 and it disappears. Someone actually gave it to me for free, too. Oh well. It will either pop up or I will get a new one some other day.
I am about to throw in Oblivion. I have all the achievements except for two Main Quest ones. I am 130 hours in, and although I have alot more left I could do, I am going to hang it up after I finish the main quest. I do have to say though that it is still the best game I have played in years. I love it! I'm not sure what to play next. I am anxiously awaiting the release of Battle for Middle Earth 2, but that is more than a week away. I did get a copy of Splinter Cell for PS2 right before I started Oblivion. I've never played any of the Splinter Cell games. So until BFME 2, Splinter Cell it is.
One more rant before I turn on the 360. I have been waiting for about four weeks for my router from Dell, and they are not very helpful when I talk to them. I can't believe how easy it was to get an Xbox 360 from them during all the shortages, but I can't get them to ship me a wirless D-Link router. Of course they blame it on D-Link. "Third party supplier availabilty" is what they keep telling me. I just want them to have the items I order in stock, not cancel orders, backorder items for weeks, and then tell me there is no problem. Jerks.
Anyway, I am off to save Cyrodiil and close shut the gates of Oblivion.Wish me luck!
I Love Geometry Wars!!!!
by MessierFan on Comments
So Much Time...
by MessierFan on Comments
Well, I got laid off last week, so now I guess I can play alot more games now. Let's just hope I can find the money to buy games.
I ordered an Xbox 360 wireless network adapter and a wireless router to hook up my Xbox 360. The network adapter came in about four days, but the router was on backorder for about two and a half weeks and today I got an e-mail saying they canceled that part of my order. Very frustrating to have the network adapter but I still have to switch ethernet cords everytime I want to use the computer or play on Xbox live. What a pisser.
Going to see Nine Inch Nails tomorrow. I've wanted to see them since I was a teenager. Man, that makes me feel old. Actually, out of all the bands I said I would see before I die, NIN is the last one on my list. I got to see Stone Temple Pilots right before they broke up. That was cool. I haven't been to a show since then. That was about three years ago. I also saw Radiohead that summer. Kick ass show.
I just started getting into Perfect Dark on Xbox live if anyone is interested in a game. I'm not that good, yet, but practice makes perfect.
But now I am going to bed. Once you start playing Perfect Dark the time flies. And I have alot of driving ahead of me tomorrow to get to the show. Peace.
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