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YOU DIED : Episode 1

YOU DIED..the tale of a poor pyromancer who finds himself inLordran the most unforgiving place in gaming (V2.0 for those of you who remember that demon souls exists)

Episode 1 :The prologue
so i was chatting with Gamer_4_Fun today about dark souls and he said they he thought about writing a dairy about his adventures in dark souls

i totally just stole his idea for this blog series

so let the fu...death begin :

well i started playing the game last week and since im not an elephant i can't really remember everything and thus I cant tell u every thing

but i can tell you this :

-when i started the game finished the asylum area(tutorial area)

got the firelink shrine talked to the guy who told me about the 2 bells

i accidently hit him when he didnt retaliate I thought Id try my weapons on him
somehow after a few hits he equipped a new shiny armor a huge shield and sword and killed me with one shot
few one shots later I find out that I do have to replay the whole tutorial again if I want to play the game
the most welcoming first 30 mins of any game Ive played so far :P

I fought my way through undead burg and undead perish and up to yesterday I had just rang the first bell of the undead and reached darkroot garden
and killed the butterfly
now I can start the diary part but I wont today
im going to go sleep so tomorrow I shall tell u about my latest adventure when I was showing off the game to my friend :P

PS:I promise the next one will be more organized and more entertaining as I will try to write them just after finishing my gaming session
PSS:if youve read this far then I must be doing something right and I shall see you again tomorrow