YOU DIED..the tale of a poor pyromancer who finds himself inLordran the most unforgiving place in gaming (V2.0 for those of you who remember that demon souls exists)
EPISODE 2 : Showing Off
So a couple of days ago my friend was at my place
and since Ive been nagging him to try dark souls he asked me to show him the game
so I loaded my save I was in dark root garden the only thing I had left there was the trap surrounding a corpse with loot
I had attempted that a day before and failed
so I head there aggro the 3 bushes and the 2 stone knights (then another stone knight while im running away)
get my souls back loot the corpse ands start running away towards the bonfire
when I reach the tight corridor I turn around and think why not
And start throwing fireballs at them while they run at me one at a time
after a few fire balls I go in for melee kill the bushes and a stone knight
2 stone knights didnt follow so I go and try to kill them
and obviously die
so after I get up I go get my souls without aggroing anyone and consider this area cleared I decide to sho w my friend the secret passage to darkroot basin that I found earlier
I got there and notice to the right a tower with a locked door
to which I have the key I open it and walk inside shield up for surprises
what I didnt have in mind was surprise butsecks
cos as the camera turned around
I met havel
He quickly one shot me
I should have been pissed
But I was laughing
And laughing
So hard I fell on the floor
So was my friend
Coz his weapon just looks like a big black rubber dil.(well you know)
So I decide to leave the tower alone
and go towards the main area
I kill all the stone giants
and walk forward a bit and get hit by a giant water spit
I walk a bit and in the distance I see a bazillion necks coming out of a lake and I start running like a mad man in the other direction
I decide to try my luck with MR Im holding a dil in my hand
I know where he is this time so I dodge his attack and hit him
when my drake sword that does ~50-100 damage to bosses does 16 damage to him
I dodge out of the tower and start running up the hill back to the garden
my friend is very amused of my bravery
I decide to go to lower undead burg
so I head back to the church of the undead and take the elevator to firelink
reach the bonfire in undead burg
when I reach the black knight I decide to kill him (because I thought we was guarding the way into the lower levels of undead burg )
first try
I was fighting him and my friend tells me
than if I keep backstepping his attacks I will fall to my death so I try to turn around him
I get killed
Try #2
I find out pyromances help but no idea why I died
Trying to kill all the hollow soldiers fast I almost die a few times
and I really die another time
my friend is very amused of my skills
try #3
I had one hit to die he had one hit to die
I see an opening I strike
he parries
I die
try #4 I focus on pyromancies
and pulling him up the stairs when he is almost dead
I find myself burning I was like what za fook
did he just deflect my attack
but no it was one of the hollow soldiers on the roof I forgot to kill
he got me stuck in a corner
And with a black knight on my ass
I died
I clear the entire second half of undead burg
Even the ones in houses
And I finally manage to kill him I feel super excited
I disappointed that he isnt guarding the way to lower undead burg
But im excited again when I find he was guarding a ring coz I dont have any rings equipped
and feel like crap again when the ring is a piece of junk
I move forward to the tower where the first boss fight was
and see a door I forgot about
im like that could lead to lower undead burg
I open the door and keep heading down
and down
when I reach the first floor and take a look and the ground floor and see havel running at me with his dil..
I turn around and run like the freaking wind
my friend is on the floor laughing at my bravery
finally I find the path to lower undead burg I kill a bunch of dogs no problem see a bunch of undead with no cloth im I go to them and try to hit them
bad idea the light their torches and turn me into hollow undead kabab
and that is where my poor pyromances souls lie to this day