YOU DIED..the tale of a poor pyromancer who finds himself in Lordran the most unforgiving place in gaming (V2.0 for those of you who remember that demon souls exists)
due to some wiki research I realize that the living tree I tried to kill a week ago in darkroot garden
is actually killable and leads to a secret area
so I make my way there
by running past the guy with a huge Dil as a weapon
that shortcut would be way more apealling with him out of the way but I dont have the guts to kill him
when I get there I kill that damn tree
past it I meet a new type of enemy
I have no idea what they are called but they are fugly (like anything in dark souls is pretty )
Red flat frogs is the closest thing I can do to describe them
soon after 4 of them trap me while im killing a stone knight
so next time I make them attack me first before I wake the stone knight and survive the fight
2 more stone knights and I get my hands on wolfe right
40 poise which is great coz I had like 5 and the ring gives me a cool aura effect
done with that I head back to lower undead burg for a revenge match
and decide not to bother with the group of enemies that killed me last episode at all and head the other direction which turned out to be the proper one
after a few traps by undead assassins (and barely surviving the first trap ) I make it all the way to the boss fight
I traverse the white light
Bam half of my health gone all my stamina gone
Another attack and im dead
wth happened
a bit more wiking and I find that its the capra demons dual handed attack that cant be blocked at low level
so go for a second try
I manage to kill the capra demon
hardly manage
I almost died multiple times and got really lucky with a couple of estus flasks
Then after getting key to the depth from the boss I head to the depths
I kill the few undead and dogs there
kill the 2 butchers
which were really fun mini bosses to fight
Rescue the pyromancer in a barrel (thanks to Toplinkar I rolled into the barrel instead of hitting it with a sword ..though u could have absolved your sins ,toplinkar and he would have talked to you u didnt need to wait till the next pyro )
reach the sewers part
and meet a new enemy
the big black blob that falls from the roof and eats u for a while
first one I meet almost kill me
knowing that those things exists now I walk with my camera alterating between down and up
after killing a few of those I reach the bonfire I rest there and level up
going ahead I find a large rat I want to kill the rat
no clue where to go I keep trying to get to him and failing
lost in the sewers a while I fall down a trap
meet my first cursed frog down there and kill him still lost I find my self at the bonfire again
so I take a 1 hour break
back from my break I decide to try another route since the route I took last time has a trap
bam another trap and this time I fall into 2 frogs instantly cursed and dead
I head in the wrong direction as fast as I can
back to firelink shrine
from there I head to the church of the undead
get killed by the balder knight there multiple times
when I finally kill him I get to the bell of the undead and buy a purging stone to cure my self from the damned curse
I then head back to firelink shrine talk to the pyro I saved and upgrade my pyromancers flame twice and call it a night
ps: yes rather uneventful day ill try to make next time more fun
and hey if I actually finish the depths I will reach blight town which im sure will be fun with all the damned frame drops XD