YOU DIED...the tale of a poor pyromancer who finds himself in Lordran the most unforgiving place in gaming (V2.0 for those of you who remember that demon souls exists)
Episode 10: free ride sure ..hey stop that ..we didnt agree on this
Ps:this is the very first area I go in almost 100% blind didnt wiki it at all. Everything I know about it
was from chatting with buddies
I step into the hell hole
last time I entered I was able to pull only one of the serpents at the gate kill him then dispatch the other
Havent done that again since
I had to keep fighting them in the bridge between undead church and the fortress
over and over and over again
I died a tons of times
Multiple times by the big boulder rolling down
a few times got pushed by that serpent mage into the swinging axes while I was crossing
and other miscellaneous deaths
an hour passed and I reached nothing I got sick of it and quit the game
2 days later
@aser92 finished blighttown then heads to sens fortress and reaches the boss fight
That pisses me off
I have been ahead of him for a long time but have been playing borderlands2 and that made me fall back
so I load up the game
and play
after a few deaths I finally manage to get past the boulder and into the boulder control room
I get killed by the 3rd swinging axes bridge
next time I reach the boss area
I pick all the treasures that are in the giants favorite aiming spots
I kill the giant knight and undead price Richard and get his rapier
I manage to get all the way to the last fog gate with 0/10 estus left
Lunch was ready so I take that as a perfect opportunity to take a break I close the game
and before I open it after lunch I open the wiki and figure out where the bonfire is
I load the game and head straight to the bonfire and rest there
After that I go kill the giant thats throwing bombs at me
I cast a single combustion at him and he drops to his knees and it was open season on his (I wanna say behind but I was hiding inside the tower and his head was blocking the way) head I manage to take most of his life when he gets up I get him to swing at me while Im a few stairs down then cast combustion on him and rinse and repeat
after I kill him I had used a bunch of estus (his hand goes throw walls havok my arse)
I head to the bonfire then back to the boss
and boy was that an annoying boss
when I tried to kill him on my own
He didnt kill me normally a single time
first time he hit me and I flew off the fight area
next 3-4 times I fall while attacking him
@aser92 tells me that the summon solos the boss
so I go human and summon the knight and he pretty much takes care of the aggro
while they were fighting and I was watching I got bored so I cast magic weapon on my uchi and go help
after killing him
I touch the circle of light and get kidnapped (also I think raped midflight by the bats)
I reach anor londo and chaching trophy for reaching that place I go a few steps down then I gaze on my soul counter
I find that I have 47k
I start laughing and turn around and agree to get waped by the bats again to get back to the bonfire and level up safely
I level 3 times and im as happy as a pie
I decide to loot every piece of crap in the area
so I go exploring
And dying
I die a lot I fall a lot i get hit I get hit by a lot of swinging traps
I even click on an arrow trap that resets the boulder
and get hit by a boulder while I was chatting on the phone thinking im perfectly safe on this ramp
I even manage to get the 2 items behind the prowler demon without aggroing him
Then I attack him
And I was doing fine
till I fail to dodge a jump attack and get thrown into half health and no stamina and failed to drink estus before he hit me again and killed me
Next time I actually aggroed all the prowler demons looking for any more items in the swamp then got myself killed
I had found all the item except 2 the gold something ring (item discovery+200)(@aser92 told me about it )
and what I discover later is the cage key
Before I wiki them I say lets kill the giant throwing boulders down at ramps making my life hell
so I sprint jump to his platform and kill him
search some more die some more and still I fail to find the items
So I say wth Ive already finished the area ill wiki them
and find out that the ring needs the boulder dropping giant I get really pissed
thinking that I missed the ring for this playthrough
and as I stepped outside to get the cage key I find out that the big giant respawns and im thrilled
I go get the ring and is happy as a .
after that I get the cage key and find that I have 7k+ souls and since enemies drop a ton of souls and weapon upgrade stuff I equip my new ring and start farming the area around to bonfire
got tons of titaine shards but also a large one which I used (along with the ones I had before)
to upgrade my uchi to +10 I also got my lightning spear to +4
After I get to 14k souls I level up one more time and save and quit