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YOU DIED...EPISODE 8 I don't know who you are but i will ...

YOU DIED...the tale of a poor pyromancer who finds himself in Lordran the most unforgiving place in gaming (V2.0 for those of you who remember that demon souls exists)

EPISODE 8:< Liam Neeson >I dont know who you are, but I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you.Neeson>

last time I got waped my queelag coz I wasnt even concentrating
this time I get there with my full attention
I manage to learn her attack patterns
and get her health pretty damn low before she breathes fire out of everywhere and one shots me

I decide to kindle to bonfire

I get invaded by maneater mildred im super scared till I find out she is easy as hell and kill her take her souls and walk away easy
I get to the boss fight still in human form and discover I can summon maneater
so I do
and she makes the fight so easy
I get one shotted near the end again

So I decide to be super careful near the end and only do 2-3 hits then run since she retaliates badly

Next time the second I traverse the white light queelag jumps and traps me in a corner killing me pretty damn fast before I could do anything not even dodging worked
the next time mildred doesnt get stuck in lava a single time and survives the full fight and actually does most of the damage while I stay back and only attack 2-3 times when its super ultra safe
I dont feel bad about letting her do all the job because I got queelag to the point of 3 hits away from death on my own before so its not taking the easy way out as much as its taking to faster way out
coz I was really sick of the damn mosquitoes ,slimes and the damn swap outside


I find chaos servant covenant join it get the head egg thingy get it off me
and leave queelag domain
I head back to blight town
and head to the toxic snipers protecting a fire keepers soul and kill them all
then get killed by the dogs twice
3rd time I kill the dogs and get the fire keepers souls
I return to fire link shrine to a huge surprise

that c*** I rescued from undead church killed the fire keeper and stole her soul

Obviously u guys get that the title is about that guy now

the guy that told me about the two bells whines about something and leaves (later I after I see frampt I got that he was either complaining about the stench of the dead fire keeper or frampts smell )

I talk to the pyro and he asks about my new awesome great chaos fireball when I tell him about it he says he is going to leave so I quickly buy iron flash coz I know he is the only one that sells it and im focusing on pyromancies this playthrough for the trophy
as I was walking around I see something scary where the water part used to be
me being such a brave man head to the bonfire in undead parish
before heading back to confront it and find that its a friendly
telling me to get the lordvessel
I almost pissed off frampt thank god I waited
coz after hitting the female undead merchant I sorta dont hit anything Im not 100% sure it wants to hit me back

I wonder around aimlessly for a while and after I turn off the game
I decide on a game plan
1-farm souls to get to level 2 of the chaos servant covenant
2- kill the hydra

3-if #2 fails farm 20k souls and buy the key

4- join forest hunter covenant

5-buy that awesome katana

6-upgrade that katana as much as I can atm

7-start thinking about heading into sens fortress