YOU DIED...the tale of a poor pyromancer who finds himself in Lordran the most unforgiving place in gaming (V2.0 for those of you who remember that demon souls exists)
Episode 8.1:All farm and no play makes me a dull boy
-i know i said i was going to take a break from dark souls to play borderlands 2 exclusivly
but since borderlands 2 is less fun that i was anticipating(still pretty fun its just that it got delayed in the mail a lot which built a ton of anticipation that nothing can live up to )
i've decided to interleave the 2 games-
to start work on #1 on my to do list(farm 30 humanity ) i head to the depths
on my way there i decide to try and reach that merchant under the bridge in firelink shrine and i reach him succesfully
after i get there and start farming
first few times are pretty unfruitfull hardly getting 2 in the first 5 runs
then i get 2 humanties per run a bunch of times
and i even get 3 in a single run once(the odds were forever in my favor that time)
after 23 or so runs
i had aquired 23k+(just a bit over 1k souls per run makes this path pretty good as a fruitless run still nets a nice amount of souls) souls i spend 11K on leveling up and have 20k left(which means #3 on my list is over )
and have most of the hamanity i need
but since at that point i would have prefered to shoot my self point blank in the face with a double barrel shotgun
than do another extreemly fun fun fun fun run
i quit the game and decide to keep farming humanity later
yes i know farming is pretty boring and lame
but that's all i did
i can't make up stuff for the sake of this dairy