Completely true. But using this to make your point on games as "high art" is a stretching it a bit.
There is no genius behind this title. The problem is, most people equate "different" with "cool" or "radical" and therefore "effective."
In the end, this is simply a bad game. To try and find more intellectualism in this title to merit a 9.5, is putting this game on a pedestal to cater to your quote, "Today cinema has been accepted as an intellectual and artistic medium, someday games will too, but not if everyone shares your attitude."
Yes, I know, people who do not play games look at Call of Duty and Bioshock as mindless time wasted by youth. And is some ways, it is. But using this title as the forerunner for fine art (whether you want to or not. A 9.5 will make it the forerunner), kills the integrity that you are trying open up for games.
It's a lovely story. But in no way is it good enough for a 9.5. Lets all stop kidding ourselves here.
MetallicaKings' comments