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Just Quickly...

haha right

this is really quick, one i cant wait to see tonights SN...tomorrow >_> dammit.
two. ONE TREE HILL, god I saw the middle of Season 3 which I missed when it aired on TV, cos i was on holiday. KEITH : ( id only seen his death in flashbacks and stuff before so I didnt think it was that bad then i watched it and couldnt stop crying. but now it all makes a bit more sense lol
three. Hereos, Gossip Girl AND the Inbetweeners tonight. SCORE.
four. Veronica Mars Season 1 repeat on in a sec so must dash, really wanna see it : )

five. Its been SO hot out today, lovely :) beach tomorrow.

SIX. i WILL have a update ready on last weeks SN and tonights one tomorrow night hopefully. if not satruday!
