I am 15 years old as of last week and almost 100% after my concussion
I'm going back to school soon and it's good to be back here on GS
I am 15 years old as of last week and almost 100% after my concussion
I'm going back to school soon and it's good to be back here on GS
Saturday night, I was wrestling for 3rd place in the city individuals tournament and was suplexed on my head. I spent the weekend in the ER.
I suffered a low level concussion and will be taking a leave of absence from GS.
Thank You to my friends and Unions, I will return when I recover...
After 3 days of striking, the MTA has gone back to running buses and subways starting Friday morning.
Too bad they couldn't keep it up one more day so I can have another short day because tomorrow is my last day before Christmas Break!
On the brightside, everything is back to normal here in NYC!
Well, a MTA Strike started here in NY yesterday and all buses and subways are closed.
The Good
The Bad
Cheating Death and Stealing Life
Eddie Guerrero was one of the greatest wrestlers of this generation. His accomplishments were many, from Mexico, Japan, ECW, WCW, and WWE. A charismatic performer, entertaining superstar, and a true Legend of Wrestling, Eddie will always be remembered as a true ring general. Fighting addiction and defying the odds, Eddie won his first and only WWE Championship at No Way Out 2004 from Brock Lesnar, exorcising his personal demons. I will always remember Eddie as the man who gave his all in every match and had fun doing it. Eddie is known for three things: His Motto of Lie, Cheat, and Steal, His Lowrider, and His Love for wrestling and his fans. My thoughts and prayers go out to Eddie’s family.
Gone But Not ForgottenRIP
Eddie Guerrero 1967-2005
Viva La Raza, He Stole Our Hearts
Latino Heat Will Forever Burn Brightly In Our Hearts
My Grandmother died yesterday of cancer
She lived a full life and helped make me who I am today, she was an inspiration to us all
Florence Rocco
The Ultimate Warrior, a household name and icon in sports entertainment who self destructed under the pressure of super stardom. My review of The Self Destruction of the Ultimate Warrior DVD will touch on classic matches, interviews, promos, behind the scenes, and the collapse of the Ultimate Warrior’s career.
The DVD consist of one disc which is the documentary story of the Ultimate Warrior’s Self Destruction, five classic matches, stories about the Warrior told by people who worked with him, impersonations, promos, and interviews. A bonus disc is included which only has 3 matches. The documentary begins with the Warriors beginnings as the Dingo Warrior and ends with a summary of his legacy told by everyone involved with the DVD. The documentary is told by Vince McMahon, Eric Bischoff, Triple H, Brooklyn Brawler, Michael Hayes, Edge, Christian, Y2J, Ted Dibiase, Bobby Heenan, Gene Okerlund, Jim Ross, Jerry Lawler, Sgt. Slaughter, and Hulk Hogan. The matches included are his Debut vs. Terry Gibbs at Wrestling Challenge 1987, IC Championship Match vs. Honky Tonk Man at Summerslam 1988, Ultimate Challenge IC Championship and WWE Championship vs. Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania VI, WWE Championship Steel Cage Match vs. Rick Rude at Summerslam 1990, and Retirement Match vs. Randy Savage at Wrestlemania VII. The extras included are Ted Dibiase tells a story about an autograph signing with the Warrior, Jerry Lawler talks about wrestling Warrior in Memphis, Christian does an impersonation of the Warrior, and a promo called “Warrior University”. The documentary has some very interesting footage and comments about Warrior, his interviews made no sense, and are “repetitive, redundant, and mindless rambles” as Mean Gene puts it. It takes you behind the scenes into the creation of the character, the entrance, Warrior’s run in WCW, his “unique” style of speaking, his many departures and returns to the WWE, his WWE and IC Title reigns, his legal name change from Jim Hellwig to “The Warrior”, rivalries with Hulk Hogan, Hercules Hernandez, Rick Rude, Bobby Heenan, Andre the Giant, Randy Savage, and Sgt. Slaughter, His Lawsuit against the WWE for his name, and The Summerslam 1991 Controversy were he held up the WWE for more money. The Bonus Disc Matches are vs. Hercules Hernandez at Madison Square Garden 1988, vs. Sgt. Slaughter at Saturday Night’s Main Event 1991, and WWE Championship vs. Randy Savage at Summerslam 1992. The matches you should check out are Ultimate Challenge vs. Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania VI which is a great match and is in the Wrestlemania Top 10, WWE Championship Steel Cage Match vs. Rick Rude at Summerslam 1990 was pretty short for a steel cage match but Rude did some nice dives from the top of the cage and Warrior did pretty well, IC Championship Match vs. Honky Tonk Man at Summerslam 1988 is a nice watch if you have 2 minutes to spare and it’s the only quick match that doesn’t involve Chris Benoit and Orlando Jordan, Retirement Match vs. Randy Savage at Wrestlemania VII is a good watch and Warrior kicked out of Five Macho Elbows to end the career of Macho King and both men did great. The Warrior University promo is a great example of how Warrior’s greed and ego got out of control, Christian’s Impersonation of the Warrior is mildly entertaining, Ted Dibiase’s story about an autograph signing with the Warrior were he refused to sign autographs with Dibiase and wanted a session for himself is another example of Warrior’s ego.
The Warrior’s Legacy is one that is marred with bad business deals and bad relationships. As JR put it “Unfortunately, his in ring accomplishments may have been overshadowed by his out of ring rants”.
Ted Dibiase put it the best:
“Maybe someday he’ll think back and realize those guys really did something for me and maybe I screwed up”
Final Score- 9.0/10
I got HIM's New Album Dark Light, The Self Destruction Of The Ultimate Warrior DVD, and I Reserved GTA Liberty Ciy Stories and WWE Smackdown! vs. Raw 2006
A Review for Ultimate Warrior will be up later in the week
Phenom-American Badass-Deadman
Now since Survivor Series 1991 Mark Calaway or The Undertaker as he is known in The WWE/WWF has been amazing fans, terrifying his foes, and leaving a “Decade of Destruction” in his wake and all this has come down to his perfect 13-0 record at Wrestlemania. Since his debut Taker has been a 4 Time WWE/WWF Champion, 6 Time Tag Team Champion, Hardcore Champion, and WCW Tag Team Champion. This is a short summary of the Undertaker’s legendary Career and My Review of The Three Disc Tombstone DVD will touch on twenty one of Taker’s greatest matches, interviews, promos, behind the scenes, and more.
Disc One begins with The WWE/WWF Championship match at Survivor Series 1991 vs. Hulk Hogan and Ends With The WWE Championship Match at Summerslam 1997 vs. Bret Hart with Shawn Michaels as the Guest Referee. The extras include Taker attacking Hulk Hogan at the Funeral Parlor, Building a casket for Yokozuna, Graveyard Promos on Mankind and Diesel, and a Bonus Match vs. Bret Hart at One Night Only 1997. The matches most notable on Disc One are The WWE/WWF Championship Match vs. Hulk Hogan at Survivor Series 1991 where Taker won his 1st WWE/WWF Championship with a little help from Ric Flair and a Tombstone Piledriver on a steel chair, The Casket Match vs. Yokozuna at Royal Rumble 1994 where it took and army of superstars and Yokozuna himself to put Taker in the casket this match marked the “Rebirth of The Undertaker”, Buried Alive Match vs. Mankind at In Your House 1996 where Taker won the match but was buried alive anyway which took another army of superstars, Mankind himself and even Paul Bearer to do the job and Taker still refused to Rest in Peace, and The WWE/WWF Championship Match vs. Bret Hart with Shawn Michaels as the Guest Referee at Summerslam 1997 where Taker may has lost the title but the match itself as great overall and marked the beginning of Taker’s rivalry with HBK and would lead to the Birth of the Hell in the Cell. Overall Disc One had many classic Undertaker matches and Promos but it was missing Taker’s debut match at Survivor Series 1990 as a member of Ted Dibiase’s “Million Dollar Dream Team” and his WWE/WWF Title Match at Wrestlemania 13 vs. Sid. I was surprised that it did not include his debut match and the only time he headlined Wrestlemania and he didn’t even win the Royal Rumble to earn that right.
Disc Two begins with The One on One Match with HBK at In Your House 1997 and Ends with the WWE/WWF Championship Match with The Rock at King of the Ring 1999. The extras include an Interview about HBK, Taker talking to his parent’s tombstone in the graveyard, An Interview about Kane which Kane crashes by burning his parent’s tombstone, and when Taker broke into Paul Bearer’s house and destroys him. The matches most notable on Disc Two are The First Hell in a Cell Match vs. HBK at Bad Blood 1997, this match was great with Shawn and Taker doing what they do best, Taker lost in the end thanks to a Tombstone Piledriver from Kane but this match started one of the greatest and most memorable rivalries in my mind Kane vs. The Undertaker, vs. Kane at Wrestlemania XIV, Undertaker came to the ring with the druids and torches and this match was great with Kane and Taker going back and forth with the momentum, Taker kicked out of a Tombstone from Kane and it took three Tombstones from Taker to put Kane down, and the Hell in the Cell Match vs. Mankind at King of the Ring 1998 too bad the whole match isn’t included it ends after Taker throws mankind off the top of the cell through the announce table. Overall Disc Two was pretty accurate in chronicling Taker’s career from 97-99, the extras where Taker talks to his parent’s Tombstone about his match with Kane was very convincing and you should really watch that footage it really added that personal feel to the Kane vs. Undertaker match at Wrestlemania XIV.
Disc Three begins with The WWE/WWF Championship First Blood Match at Fully Loaded 1999 and ends with Undertaker’s Return from the Dead vs. Kane vs. Wrestlemania XX. The extras on this disc include and interview about HHH, Promos on Hulk Hogan, and Comments on the Hell in the Cell, A Return to the Graveyard Promo on Vince McMahon, and a Bonus Match from Smackdown! vs. Kurt Angle for The WWE Championship. Every Match on this disc is worth watching but you should check out, vs. HHH at WMX7 which is one of my favorite matches in Taker’s Wrestlemania streak, WWE Championship Hell in a Cell match vs. Brock Lesnar at No Mercy 2002, Taker may have lost but this match was a great effort by both men and Taker competed with a broken hand, Buried Alive Match vs. Vince McMahon at Survivor Series 2003 where Vince got the beating of a lifetime and set up the final confrontation of the Kane vs. Taker Rivalry, Return from the Dead vs. Kane at Wrestlemania XX where Taker revived the Deadman Character and reenacted his Wrestlemania XIV entrance and put Kane away with a Tombstone Piledriver. The Return to the Graveyard Promo on Vince McMahon before the Buried Alive Match at Survivor Series 2003 was a trip down memory lane with Taker adding some of his old school style to his American Badass character. This Disc was missing The Legend Killer Match vs. Randy Orton at Wrestlemania 21, Taker’s Hardcore Matches with RVD, The Brothers of Destruction, and The Ladder match vs. Jeff Hardy on Raw for The WWE Championship.
Overall This was a great DVD filled with a lot of memories and goodies for Undertaker fans of past, present, and future. This DVD would be perfect if it included more on Taker’s Hardcore and Tag Team Titles and I think a separate disc should have been included especially for Taker’s 13-0 Winning Streak at Wrestlemania.
Final Score- 9.0/10
This weekend, I picked up a copy of Ninja Gaiden Black, Bought Kanye West's Late Registration Album, 50 Cent's The Massacre Special Edition, and finally got my hands on Tombstone The History of The Undertaker DVD
Kanye West's Late Registration is a great CD that any fan of him or rap in general should give a listen
50 Cent's The Massacre Special Edition keeps the values of the original Massacre Album with a few minor changes:
I will have reviews for Ninja Gaiden Black and Tombstone DVD up by Monday so check back later in the week for them!
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