Mines was horrible :( I was in this big room surrounded by brick walls. And i couldnt like, move or anything. I heard this really loud noise like a digger (im scared of loud noises) so i was liekkk "OH NOOO D':". The noise got louder then stopped and snakes started pouring from the walls. all of a sudden i was in my old house, in bed but everything turned to snakes so i ran through to my mum and dad but they were both piles of snakes too LOLOL. Was scary.
£13? God dam! Its an awesome game. It takes most people a while to get into it, mabye half an hour or so. But its great fun. Amazing graphics, nice story and leaping across buildings is fun :D Me thinks you should buy
Now that you mention it i see what you mean. But then again, it really depends on the type of game.
I agree that FPS are getting much harder. Take COD for example. On 4 theres thousands of people who are amazing at it (not necessarily 10th Prestige). Even when the game came out people were getting good, fast. Not to mention the campaign is quite easy. Then along came COD5. Ive never seen anyone who's actually good at it without glitching and the campaign is noticeably harder. For me anyway :roll:
Games like that are getting harder but others arent really. Silent Hill games, piece of cake. Saints Row, piece of cake.
I think games are getting harder though because mainly, people are trying to make them more realistic.
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