A 3 Year-Old in Public Bathrooms
by MichaelLuton on Comments
My son Tyler (3 years old) has recently become potty trained which is really great. No more changing diapers for him. It also means I have the joy of taking him to public bathrooms wherever we go. This is always an adventure as he finds the sheer variety of equipment in men's bathrooms endlessly fascinating. The first interesting moment happened when Uncle Brent took him an Oakland A's baseball game. Brent had to go to the bathroom so he brought Tyler to the men's room with him. Brent told Tyler to stand right behind him as he did his business in the trough. Tyler, never having seen anything like that before, was amazed. He walked right up to the trough and said, "Hey! Whatcha doing!?" Thankfully, the bathroom was not too crowded at the time. Whenever I take him to a public bathroom the first thing he does is spot the urinals and run over to them screaming, "Hey! Look at these pottys!" with a great big smile on his face looking at me like he's just discovered something really cool. Which, he has actually. Sometimes this is followed up with "Hey! Can I go in this one!" There was the time when someone was using one of the urinals when we walked in. Tyler, not knowing any better, runs up to within a few feet of the poor man and yells, "Hey! That guy's using that one!" For the record we always use the stalls since it's much easier for me to hold him up on the seat than it is to hold him up to a urinal. Anyway, I always put the little paper ring on the seat. Tyler won't let me forget this actually. The first thing he says upon entering the stall in "Hey daddy! Put on the paper! Put on the paper!" Flushing public toilets is amazing fun for him since they're much louder than the average domestic toilet. Upon flushing I'll usually be treated to a high-pitched ear-piercing screaming laugh followed up by "Hey! Look! It's going down!" And on occasion he'll ask where the plunger is. He's very good about washing his hands after going to the bathroom. Again, this is not something he'll let me forget. Recently at Olive Garden he exited the stall and ran over the sink saying "Hey! I gotta wash my hands! They have poo poo and pee pee on them!" It should go without saying that we weren't the only people in bathroom at the time which forced me to reply with "Well, you don't actually have poo poo or pee pee on your hands. You just need to wash them because it's good hygiene". The most embarrassing time in a public bathroom had to be this past Christmas Eve when we had dinner at Texas Roadhouse -- a great steakhouse in Union City. Tyler took his shoes off at the diner table and later announced he had to go to the bathroom. Since he was just in his socks I picked him up and carried him to the men's room. There was only one stall which was already occupied so I held Tyler and told him we had to wait. The floor was wet and I didn't want to put him down since he was just in his socks. He was getting a bit heavy so I decided it might be easier to hold him if I put him up on my shoulders. I wasn't thinking very far ahead here. As soon as I got up on my shoulders he yelled out "Hey! There's a guy in there!" I quickly brought him back down and made sure to find something interesting on the wall to look at when that guy finally did come out.