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Getting Closer

I dinged 68 last night. I'm officially eligible for Northrend. This level went really fast since I was able to gain so much experience just by visiting the inns and grabbing candy from the candy buckets as part of the Hallows End event. I'll still have a few more candy buckets to tap in Kalimdor and Outland so there's even more free experience for the taking. I'm almost done with Nagrand. I have a few more quests remaining that involve killing a bunch of Ogres then I'll be moving onto either Shadow Moon Valley or Blade's Edge. The later has a cooler sounding name so I'm leaning toward that one but I'm not entirely sure how to get there. I haven't really tried yet but just from looking at the map there sure are a lot of big spiky things along the border. I just don't want to waste twenty minutes bouncing along the border only to later learn there's some secret tunnel or portal in non-obvious part of Zangarmarsh. I also need to take some time and re-install Auctioneer and Gatherer and start up the money machine again. I already have enough gold for my flying mount with a comfortable amount left over but it's always nice to have more. :)