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Guitar Hero II Set List By Decade

I was curious about this so I counted how many songs from each decade appear in Guitar Hero II. This only include the 40 songs in the main set list and not unlockables. 1960's - 1 1970's - 13 1980's - 9 1990's - 11 2000's - 5 Obviously 1970's are the most representated decade. This may be due to the fact that many classic memorable songs come from that decade. They've simply had more time to sit in our consiousness and rise in value over more recent music. It's going to be a blast to play some of those songs. I do think there's a lot more Guitar Hero worthy songs from the 80's than what we've been in both games so far. Songs that go beyond the standard hair-metal party songs and power ballads. Why only 5 songs in the 2000's though? Granted, this is the decade that gave birth to and nurtured Nu-Metal. Not exactly Guitar Hero material but surely there's more than 5 fun guitar-based songs to have come out in the 2000's. At least the unlockable tracks contain more modern tunes.