HD Lost
by MichaelLuton on Comments
Lost in HD is a beautiful sight. Unless it's a shot of Ben's bloodied face. Then it's a vividly gory sight. Ever since we got our HD Tivo in December I've been waiting for the chance to watch the new season of Lost in HD. It didn't disappoint. Too bad we'll only see seven more episodes for the time being. Here's some interesting tidbits. Hurley is part of the "Oceanic Six". We can assume this means exactly six survivors made it off the island. This includes Hurley, Jack, and Kate. It's also reasonable to assume that whoever was in the coffin at the end of Season 3 is also part of the Oceanic Six. Or not. Who knows? There's still people living on the island after the six were rescued and the Oceanic Six are keeping that a secret. It seems those who got off the island eventually regret it and want to return. Will we see a flash-forward where Kate goes crazy and wants to go back to the island also? It was cool to see Charlie in the episode but that does bring up an interesting question. Jack had a vision of his dead father on the island. Other survivors have also had visions or heard things. So is Hurley seeing Charlie the same phenomena as Jack seeing his dad on the island. If so then that may be the first time we've seen the "specialness" of the island manifest itself in the real world. They seemed to go to great lengths to connect Hurley getting lost and seeing Jacob's shack with his seeing Charley. Just thinking out loud here. Anyway, can't wait for the next seven episodes.