Woohoo Kauser from Resident Evil 4 The big brother statues from Devil May Cry 3 Alma from Ninja Gaiden And The End from MGS: 3.. Wow, can't wait to see this. By the way, Alma, "Very Hard" She did not land a single blow on me! Took me too many hours to make that... Just.. Too many..
1. Devil May Cry 1.. I just.. Didn't own a ps2 at that time and never bothered with it.. 2. Far Cry : Evolution/Instincts Predator. I was a major fan of Far Cry on the Pc, adn the xbox version wasn't bad at all.. Not as good as the pc version, though.. 3. Jack and Daxter.. I.. Don't know why. 4. Civilization IV.. Got it.... Started it.. Configured Video and Sound settings... Turned it off and began playing WoW again.. 5. Metriod Prime... One, or two.. Just.. Never played them... I just.. Haven't.
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